
Joined: June 17, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 184355

I've moved, to here.

ColourMePretty's Favorite Quotes

Everyone has a story,
whether it's whispered or it's yelled.
The only thing I'm good at
is being not good enough.


Sometimes you need to run away just to see who will follow you.

it's hard to answer
"What's wrong?"
when nothing is right.

I know it seems like I'm the strongest person who can get through anything, but inside I'm  f r a g i l e . I've had so many things thrown at me, and each one has made a crack. I'm afraid of shattering.
This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.
Confessions_of_a_cutter format.
credit: confessions_of_a_cutter,

I lied because I don't want you
to know how much it hurts me.

This quote does not exist.
Cinderella walked on broken glass.
Sleeping Beauty let a whole lifetime pass.
Belle fell in love with a hideous beast.
Jasmine married a common thief.
Ariel walked on  land for love and life.
Snow White barely escaped a knife.
It was all about blood and sweat and tears,
because love means facing your biggest fears.