
Joined: May 21, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: May 4
user id: 301346
Location: Georgia
Gender: F

Hi guys! Um...this is awkward (these things always are!), I guess I'll start with my name? I'm Mallory, and I'm sometimes called "Mallerzz" by my friends, which comes from my "rapper name" that my friend made up. (Which is Chikin Newdle Mallerzz, my username.)
I'm 13, livin' it up in Georgia!
Loljk, I have no life. ;D
I'm taken by the most amazing see, he has SUPERPOWERS. Yeah, that's right, he's INVISIBLE!! Sadly, though, he was recently hospitalized with a severe case of nonexistence. Please pray for us.
Loljk, I'm forever alone.
And here is where I might make some comment about the 39 cats that I'll undoubtedly have when I'm older, but my cat doesn't even like me.
Haha, but she's bipolar. So, whatevs. ;)
Oh yeah, except that I'm gonna be married to Louis Tomlinson. ;D
And Niall Horan. And Zayn Malik. And LIam Payne. And harry stlyes. basically, you can just call me Mrs. TomliStylaHoraPayLikSon. :P
I'm a proud Christian, and if that offends/bothers you, then you can just leave this page now.
I  do NOT stand for people making fun of/insulting my religion. It's not cool.
My witty best friend was elysey, but she left a few weeks ago because of alll the hate and fighting. :(
My best friend (like, real-life best friend, not just on Witty) is Jamie, she's an amazing person and never ceases to impress me with her awesomeness! Her username's jamisonmcdonut. I don't think she uploads quotes very much, or gets on as often as me though, but still, go check her out! NOW!
Oh hey, you're still here? Well then.
Be that way.
Guess who's missing out on a great friend? YOU ARE!! ;)
Yeah, so, I don't really know what else to say about me...*awkward penguin!*...

Things I Love:
music. Doctor Who. Georgia 4-H. my cat. Jimmy Buffett. my friends. my family. those who I can't decide which of the two previous categories they belong in. One Direction. texting. fangirling. funny things. funny people. Kenny Chesney. dance. Luke Bryan. Witty. being lazy. ballet. country music. my iPod. Netflix. Zac Brown Band. being a nerd. the Divergent series. The Hunger Games. Forrest Gump. little kid movies. (such as: Finding Nemo. Lilo and Stitch. Toy Story.) Harry Potter. Charlie McDonnell. Jon Cozart. YouTube. Jesus Christ. my amazing church. the beach. water. building sandcastles like a little kid. swimming. camp. Rock Eagle. palm trees. sailing. painting. photography. baking. Wikipedia. duck tape. norts. Chameleon Circuit. bendy straw forts. (<<with my best friend). the internet. smiley faces:). British/Irish accents. key lime pie. pillow pets. my best friend Jamison McDonut HomieGMcDoggieDog Snap. my best friend JayChizzyWazz*snapsnapsnap*. our retarded "rapper names". laughing. oil paints. you, for reading this all the way through:). although nobody did, probably. lol.

Oh yeah, and I also love helping people, and making people smile, and just being a good friend, so if any of y'all ever need someone to talk to, I'm here! Just comment on my profile and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can! :)
yeah, I think that's about it for now...
*awkward sudden ending!! :P*
& sorry it's not pretty...haha, I was just too lazy to format it at all:P

Comments to ChikinNewdleMallerzz

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Snowflakes113 1 decade ago
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Ciao bellas!
I know you've heard this a million times before, but I'm so sorry.
I think when I started this story, I wasn't aware of how hectic school would make it for me to keep up with it. I wasn't ready for the responsibility of posting and notifying every single day, and that wasn't fair to any of you. I'm sorry for that.
But now it's Christmas break, and I'M FINISHING THE STORY.
I'm going to be writing furiously and posting more than one chapter a day. I'll notify you once a day after I've posted all of the chapters I will be posting for that day.
And to prevent this from happening again (these long periods of time where I disappear) I'm also going to start my next story and pre-write it before I post any chapters. That way, I won't have to worry about making time to post! Sound good? Thank you all for still wanting to read, and I understand if some of you don't.
So I figured I'd do a quick recap of what's been going on in the story since I haven't posted in so long:
-Val's parents have just separated
-Her sister is still missing; nothing new has been heard of
-Ben has feelings for Val, but she is unaware of this
-They've kissed a few times, despite her still being with Danny, and Val hasn't told Danny because she thinks they're just accidents that mean nothing to either of them, and it isn't worth hurting Danny or their relationship over.
-The play will be taking place at the mid-year mark (mid-January)
-Brooke moved to Australia

If anyone has any questions or is confused because they don't remember something, feel free to ask me!
So how is everyone's Christmas break going? I'm so excited. Mainly to sleep, but I'm excited to get to write too! (;
I just got a new dress and cool patterned tights for Christmas and I can't wait to wear it! Woot woot! Do you guys have anything fun planned for Christmas?

Anyways, without further a due, I present to you chapter 28!

bowtiesandfezzes 1 decade ago
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This isn't an update, sorry hun, but I put an authors note up and I'd appreciate it if you read it<3 Thanks love, and I'm sorry.
blairisepic 1 decade ago
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heeey there.
it's been FOREVER since i've updated my story.
and i DOUBT you're still reading.
but if you are... CONGRADULATIONS I LOVE YOU (:
oh yeah and chapter 5 of niall is up.
so uhm yea enjoy and have a nice day. :D
Snowflakes113 1 decade ago
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Day off today for voting! Woot woot!
I hope everyone enjoys their day off,
and I hope you also enjoy chapter 27 of Finding My Way! (:
Snowflakes113 1 decade ago
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Okay, so I know I said it was the last notification, but I like doing them, and I feel bad when I told you guys at the beginning that I would do them for the whole story.
So I'm going to keep doing them! They just may not be as long every time.
But yay! Two days in a row, and a new chapter will be up tomorrow!
Enjoy chapter 26 of FMW (:
Snowflakes113 1 decade ago
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Hello to the wonderful world of witty!
Do you all remember me?
You probably don't.
I'm sorry that I haven't posted in over a month.
I'm honestly so mad at myself and I'm so sorry to have made you guys wait so long.
I know some of you have probably given up on me, but to those of you who haven't, I'm so grateful to you and I love you.
Volleyball just ended, so I should have a little more time!
I actually got called up to play on varsity for a game and it was amazing.
Guys are overrated; we don't need them.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower is just hsadg;gnj;p. I can't even. Anyone seen it? It's amazing.
And I love Logan Lerman.
Homecoming was fun!
Except this kid I used to have a thing for came and yeah. *sigh*
I just want him to go away because I don't want to like him because he's a jerk and I just don't even know anymore. He just keeps coming back! GAH!
In other news,
I've recently become obsessed with the classic/animated Disney movies and songs...
and all I've been singing is The Lion Sleeps Tonight, courtesy of my gay best friend. Thanks.
How was everyone's Halloween? Mine was awesome.
I was Sailor Moon, but no one knows who that is except for my friend Erica, so shoutout to her for recognizing me! Haha
You're just going to have to be patient.
Also, I definitely can't do anymore of these notifcations :(
I really like doing them and I feel like it keeps you all reading, but I just don't have time if I want to post.
So, this is the LAST notification.
If you want to see when I post, I encourage you to follow me so you'll see it when you log in
*wink wink*
I mean, feel free to follow me if you already don't... (:
So thank you all so much for your love and support and enjoy the new chapter of FMW!
bowtiesandfezzes 1 decade ago
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Next Chapter! x
bowtiesandfezzes 1 decade ago
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So it's been like 18 days, but the next chapter is up, hope your still reading xx
XxBOTDF4LYFExX 1 decade ago
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xstories_ 1 decade ago
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hehehehe, nahh c;
it wouldnt be fair if he didnt -__-
and i would put up a link for you guys if i can WHEN he says yes ;D
Eli22b 1 decade ago
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Can you please fav this quote? I can't let her do that, and I only have 2 days left.
xstories_ 1 decade ago
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hahaha! we have computer centers, in the classrooms and stuff.
but NO personal things. no ipods, cellphones, or cameras. none of it.
he better let me record itt!!!! ahahhahaha
and that wasnt THAT bad of grammar!
butterflyescape 1 decade ago
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bandddd nice :) what instrument do you play?
and doing hw (failing epically though)
xstories_ 1 decade ago
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girrrrl, thank you so much!
tomorrow, i actually will ask my dean if I can get it taped, but idk if he'll approve because we are allowed NO electronics in the school... NONE.
butterflyescape 1 decade ago
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thanks and haha yeahhh :/

whats up? :))
jamisonmcdonut 1 decade ago
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Hey! OMG I wanted to ask my bestest friend/sister for a huge favor!

xstories_ 1 decade ago
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I like all you guys too because you guys are awesome !! haha
butterflyescape 1 decade ago
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oh and I have bad news, I'm not getting the iPhone 5.. or any phone at all. It's supposed to come on the 11th and when it does my parents are sending it back. Funny thing is, I'm not mad, because I deserve it. I was a total b//tch today, I deserve all the sh//t coming my way.

sorry to kinda like "vent" up there... just letting you know.
butterflyescape 1 decade ago
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loll #nerdprobs :) haha that actually made me laugh but umm awesome! I never got an email though...? did you send it yet????
and you are a lucky ducky! haha I have his album on iTunes and it is amazing!!!!!
blairisepic 1 decade ago
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hi! I FINALLY updated my story.
The first time in like, a month eh?
Believe me, I feel HORRIBLE :(
i probably lost all of my readers.
but if by any chance you still want to read, Liam chapter 5 of We've Got A Bit Of Love Hate is up.