
Joined: September 25, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 221166

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Quotes by CarrForeverYoung

I'll keep on crying,
I won't go floppy.
I'll stand strong,
No reason to copy.
I have a purpose,
I know people who care.
Don't try to comfort.
I can see you stare.
I don't wanna hear it.
How amazing I am.
You're lying and I'm crying.
I won't fall for your scam.
You obviously don't understand.
I won't listen to anybody,
Especially not you.
No go and try to stop me.
I'll take the knife if I want.
Go and try to stop me,
and dare yourself to think that I won't.  

Psychological Fact;;
When you’re hurt, swearing helps reduce the pain. 

I only cry when I’m sick.

That’s the only time
 I have an excuse for
my eyes “watering”


all the time. 


His friend Isaiah was holding him in front of me saying “dude you’ve been nervous about this for a week now just ask her.”
 My friend Anne was behind me mouthing the words for him.
He said the last word of the question on his own.
Everybody cheered when I said yes.
I thought I’d never be able to say that
 is my boyfriend, but now I can. <3 

& my friends only notice his problems.

Like the fact that his hair isn’t always perfect.
That he can be perverted sometimes.
That his eyes are different colors.
They don’t get why I like him.
They don’t get that when you REALLY like someone,

You are blind to their flaws.

He bossed me around in first grade.
We were partners in math in 3rd grade.
He thought he was too cool for me in fifth grade.
And now I'm not the one chasing him.
My dad and his best friend's shotgun is.

-My friend who is actually writing this..

What can I say I was inspired ;)

& at the football game yesterday,

He stopped holding my hand.
I asked if his hands were still cold.
He said yes, but I didn’t wanna hold his hand so he stopped.

I’ve never held a guy’s hand longer.


Did you know,
That you can actually diefrom a broken heart ?

1.  Full name - Caroline
2. Nickname - Carr
3. Zodiac sign - Taurus
4. Elementary School/Middle School/High School – Hadley E. Watts Middle School
8. Tall or short - Tall.

9. Sweats or jeans - Jeans.

10. Orange or apple - Apple.
11. Do you have a crush on someone – Yes. Collin.
12. Eat or drink - Drink.
13. Piercings - Yes. Only ears though.
14. Pepsi or coke - Coke.

Have you ever...
16. Been in an airplane ? Yes.
17. Been in a relationship ? Yes.
18. Been in a car accident ? Nah.
19. Been in a fist fight ? Yes.

Firsts & lasts
20. First piercing - Ears.
21. First best friend - Cory.
22. First award - Don't remember.
23. First crush - Cory.
24. First word - Momma.
25. Last person you talked to in person - Sister. Briana
26. Last person you texted - Jalyssa
27. Last friend you watched a movie with - Anne.
28. Last food you ate - Chips.
29. Last movie you watched in theaters - Harry Potter 7: Deathly Hallows.
30. Last song you listened to - Drake - Make Me Proud.
31. Last thing you bought - Ice cream cone.
32. Last person you hugged - Ethan.

33. Food ? Spaghetti.
34. Drink ? Smoothie.(:
35. Flower ? Bachelor’s Button
36. Animal ? Fennec.
37. Color ? Red.
38. Place ? Disney World.
39. Movie ? Harry Potter 7: Deathly Hallows.
40. Subject ? None.

Have you ever ...
41. Fallin in love with someone? Yes. Collin.
42. Celebrated halloween? Yes.
43. Went over the minutes/texts on your phone? I have unlimited.
44. Wanted to smack someone upside the head? I have.
45. Eaten a whole pizza? Yes. A four piece one.(:
46. Did something you regret? Yes.
47. Broke a promise? Yeah.
48. Hid a secret? Yeah.
49. Pretend to be happy? Yes.

Your future...
50. Want kids? Just one.
51. Want to get married? I don’t know.

Which is better in the opposite gender?

52. Lips or eyes - Eyes.
53. Shorter or taller - Tall.
54. Romantic or spontaneous- Both.
55. Hook up or relationship- Relationship.
56. Looks or personality- Both.

Have you ever...
57. Lost glasses/contacts? Nope.
58. Snuck out? No.
59. Held a gun/knife for self defense? Yeah.
60. Broke someones heart? No.
61. Been in love? Yes.
62. Cried when someone died? No.

Do you believe in ;
63. Yourself; most of the time.
64. Miracles; Yes.
65. Love at first sight; Yes.
66. Heaven; I’m not sure anymore.
67. Santa; No.

69. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Yes. Collin.
70. Who are your real friends? Anne, Katrina, Ethan, Whitley, Jalyssa.