
Status: Im so in love with "Him"
Joined: March 6, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 281570
Location: Im not telling, Haha
Gender: F
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I would die
For you

We are the dirty and unclean
A congregation of the unseen
Together we will set this world on fire
This is the new religion
Take your hand in mine its ours tonight. This is the rebel love song. Hearts will sacrafice it's do or die. This is the rebel love song

BustedGirlxxx's Favorite Quotes

And another day comes to an end
Where I won't forget what we had
No matter how hard I try,
I can't pry you off my mind
And at the end of the day
I wonder if you even remember me
Or what we had
Or what you promised me
I won't forget
I swear it

So, as you all know today was 9/11. 
Did my school play the national anthem over the loudspeaker or have a moment of silence?
What they did play was Taylor Swift's we are never ever getting back together.

I have officially lost all hope in humanity. 

i've never been so sick of everything..


I'm a LIAR,because I don't tell you EVERYTHING.
I'm STUPID, because sometime's I'M WRONG
I'm FAT, because I eat when I'm HUNGRY.
I'm WEIRD, because I'm NOT LIKE YOU.
I'm UGLY, because my FACE ISN'T PERFECT.


T H E  W O R S T
kind of pain is when your smiling,

just to keep the tears from falling.










"I don't need a title to know that I love you."

I still remember when you said that. :) But I am glad you have the title of my boyfriend <3
Good Relationships Don't Just Happen
They Take Time And Patience
And Two People Who Truly Want To Be Together
This quote does not exist.