
Joined: September 1, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 328705
Gender: F

Sinners never sleep 
I don't see the point in this when I'm not all that interesting.
My name's Meghan and I've been in this world for 15 years unfortunately.
I love tattoos and piercings. I'm a christian.
Sleeping with sirens|You me at six|Black Veil Brides|Hollywood Undead.


Quotes by BloodyDestruction

this year on my birthday,

I blew out the candles and wishes for death.

They all stood and clapped, not even knowing.

If you gave me a penny

Each time someone made me feel worthless

I'd be worth something by now.


nmf - MissAnna

Last night,
I was on the  bus on my way home, and this young man got on... He was clearly drunk, he sat down across from me and was yelling a bunch of different things. I was listening to my iPod, trying to mind my own buisnesss, but something about that guy intrigued me. So I paused my music and he was still yelling about how mad he is and how he hates everything. I got up, went and sat next to him, then introduced myself. By this point most people on the bus were staring at me, so I asked him if he wanted to get off at the next stop. He agreed and we sat with each other ages talking about life. He told me, His name's Jake, He is 17 and that today he had ran away from home due to abuse. Just before I was about to get off at my stop, he pulled a bottle of pills out from his pocket and told me that he was planning on ending his life that night if it wasn't for me. Not only did he throw the pills away, we also exchanged numbers and we're going for dinner tomorrow.

You know what the most valuble lesson last night taught me?..Sometimes it's okay to talk to strangers. because that stranger is now, my new best friend.


I want to die.
I mean, it's no big deal.
Not really

I'm getting my hair cut short
and giving that hair to a charity who make wigs for people who have lost their hair during cancer.

Go to sleep and close your eyes,
Dream of broken butterflies.
That tore their wings on a thorn
Their beauty destroyed that they once wore.

Silver metal, shine so bright.
Scarlet blood, that feels so right.
Dream of that blood trickling down,
and wake up just before you drown.

The moonlight's shining off your tears,
As you bleed out your own worst fears.
So tonight when you start to cry,
Whisper the cutters lullaby:

Hushabye baby, you're almost dead,
You don't have much pulse and your pillow is red.
Your family hates you, your friends let you bleed,
Sleep tight with a knife, 'cause it's all you need.

Rockabye baby, broken and scarred,
You didn't know life would be this hard.
Time to end the pain that you hid so well,
And down will come baby, straight back to hell.

I want to die.

But then I remember, no one cares that I exist,
so what's the point.


So,     Amanda       Todd       Ki l l  ed     he  r s  e l  f.

I know why she did it and I understand how much it must of been hurting her for her to want to kill herself but...

You people who are giving her sympathy and pity should all be ashamed  of yourselves. Instead of giving pity to a girl who already commited suicide, how about you talk to that lonely kid at lunch. Yeah,  the one who sits all alone in corner. But no, you'd rather sit with your  friends and then come home ad go on Facebook and be like "Oh, how come no one helped poor Amanda, se was so pretty, why did she have to die". F*CK YOU! Go crawl back into you shell of safety while the ones who really need help, are only an arms length away.

We should be talking about the ones who were bullied and managed to survive through it all. The success stories. Because that's what gives people hope, the ones who know what it's like to be in their shoes. The ones who have walked that road before and came out ok.
Even people like Demi Lovato or Liam Payne or Jessie J.

What kind of message does it send to impressionable teens that if you go ahead and kill yourself then you will get thousands of likes on a Facebook page and everyone will feel sorry for you and give you loads of attention? If you have any self respect for the future then you'd stop and think about wher your morals are. If you're too confused with your emotions and common sensee then get off the intenet entirely, and get help. No one wants to  read your idiotic comments and yor emotion filled rage tantrums.

Sorry, if anyone is offended by this but thought it needed to be said.




You use it almost everyday...

But I bet you cant remember the order of its colours without looking?(;

The smell after it rains.
