
Joined: June 26, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 187407
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Tell me you love me,
and I'll be yours forever

Yes, it's really spelt with a 'h.'
Well, I'm 16, I live in Australia.
I write poems & stories.
I live for music.


Status; Fuck love, fuck life, fuck you.

BellahxD's Favorite Quotes

That awkward moment

when a guy accidently hits your boob.

sweetie,   you look like you've been crying.
don't let them see you've been down.♥
This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.
can we pretend that airplanes
in   the   night   sky  are  like

shooting stars ;     ♥

foveve r yo ung;
[ i want to be forever young ]          E|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||E|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||E||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

pretty smiles , stupid lies 
too much make - up , and
hair ties . lots of bracelets
straiten hair , eye make up
that goes everywhere ,
tears that flow down your
cheeks . colored flip - flops
on your feet . fake friends that
you think are true , you really
can't find you. cute guys
that waste our time , silly
fights with best friends.
man, the bad stuff never
ends! too much eating .
gaining weight , going out
really late . love that we
think is fate . so much drama
so much pain , so much guys
that make us go insane .
oh, come on don't lie, you know
This is a girl's life.  .
hey, i'm a guy.
so here's how it goes; i'm gonna flirt with you,
then diss you. i'll send you mixed messages,
hit on your friends, lie to you. then i will lead
you on so you will fall for me. i'll make you
happy for one night, but tomorrow i'll
completely ignore you. you'll be the one i
turn to when i need a friend or for a
confidence booster. you know what the
best part is? you can't do anything about
it. cause you love me& don't wanna lose me.

Yes ,  i've made mistakes,
                                              but            life          didn't           come         with       instructions.