
Joined: January 8, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 261778

Hi, Im tally.
Im 15.
Im a sophmore in the hell hole called highschool. 
I'm here if you need to talk.

Ok, well bye c:


AwittyGirrl's Favorite Quotes

Little mix's birthday is the same day
as my birthday
i feel so special


format credit to OneDirection

I like that the guys on witty
stick up for eachother.


me at home, no where to go: gorgeous
me going into public: looks like I crawled in a sewer, got attacked, then woke up in a trash can



where we have been.
They do not have to dictate
where we are going.
-Criminal Minds

Jenna Marbles needs her own fricken

 t a l k   s h o w .

when i'm older i shall

open a classic rock-themed

pizza shop & i shall call it
another onbites the crust.


If it actually started raining men I think I’d just start crying and 

be really terrified and not leave my house and just curl up into a ball

and pretend I couldn’t hear the slamming of bodies falling upon my roof

under no circumstances would I think “hallelujah” 

Me: *runs into inanimate object*
Me: Sorry...

Happy Birthday to my mom;


She always pushes me to do what I love, even when I dont want to do it. She never left me. She was always there. When my dad left & boyfriend died is when we fell out and stopped talking. I was 14 then, now im 15 and going into my sohpmore year of highschool. I have my mom, we may not talk, get along, or have many memories but I will always thank her for one thing over and over again till the die I die. And that is

"Thank You"

You may not know my story from start to end, but you wouldn't want to, to be honest. Its long and rough, many fights, broken hearts and tears. My mom has always been there for me, pushing me to reach my goals.....even when we fell out. She pushed me to stay in soccer. Stay in Softball. Stay in Gymnastics. and stay in School. Without my mom, I wouldnt be who I am today. I wouldnt be going on trials for the 2017 Olympics. I wouldnt be as strong as I am today.......I wouldnt be me.


Thank you mom for everything you do for me & Aiden. We dont appreciate you enough. 



Replace one word in
a movie title with the word d//ck.

leave funny answers in the comments! I'd love to read them, brah.