
Joined: August 24, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 122317

Hey y'all
the name's Noor..
I kinda want a cool layout like some of the witty girls on here
They're just awesome
Until then, I won't write anything about me *pouts*

Kiss kiss

Quotes by Arabian_Goddess

♥ HELP ♥
So I have this friend from Kosovo, I met her last summer when we both attended the same conference. It's her birthday next week, and since I can't celebrate it WITH her, I'm planning to do a short Happy Birthday video and post it for her on Facebook. I heard some of her freinds are thinking of doing the same but I kinda want mine to be even more special.
Do you guys have any ideas on how I can make this video a tad more creative, and hard to forget?
I would really appreciate your help, it would mean the world to me ♥
The backgroung color won't show :\


25 MINUTES: Deep thoughts about the origin of life and the universe. ||
  ||2 MINUTES: Wash and rinse the body.

During a test, when the teacher passes by. I cover my answers so she doesn't see how stupid my answer are.

Only me?

That heartbreaking moment

when you're sitting with this guy you had a crush on for a loong time -with a group of people, and someone randomly asks him ", how are things with your girlfriend?"


Fave if you're a righty
♥ Comment if you're a lefty!
I'm a lefty! :))

Secret #4
Sometimes, I just feel like Witty turned into a
Popularity Contest,
not somewhere we can share our problems and ask for advice
and girls would actually CARE.

Secret #3
Today, my bestfriends made fun of my hair.
For the third time this week.
I laughed, but it hurt.

posted this under "funny" coz it's most viewed..? :)

Hello my beautiful fellow Wittians..! :D
I need some help from you guys..
So, the US Embassy in my country is organizing a competition (Women2Women)..
and The first and second place winners get to go to Boston,USA for a week to attend a conference..
So here's what the competition is about;;

I have to write an essay explaining how youth in my country can help build bridges of understanding in their community, what I hope to gain form this program, and my plans on applying what I learned when I come back..

Girls, I really want to win this, and I already have some ideas but I'm not sure about them.I want to know your thoughts about this thing, and  I would really appreciate your help! If I get enough comments I'll post some of my ideas for your opinions on them :)

If you read all of this, I love you!
Thank you for your time,sistaass

Wasn't lazy with the formatting, Witty said there too many characters so I had to give it up :(

Secret #2
I don't think I'm beautiful.
Tell me I am,
but I still won't believe it.

Secret #1
That night when I told you
my feelings for you are gone?
I lied. ♥