
Joined: April 6, 2010
Last Seen: 6 years
user id: 105482

hi, i'm arielle. I don't listen to anyone. You don't want to be on my bad side. I'm happily taken :) I am skilled at texting, & my phone is an extention to my arm. I'm always with my friends. I get mad & annoyed veryveryvery easily. I always have the last word in fights, so don't try to top me, it won't work. I'm the nicest person ever until you give me a reason not to be. I'm a huge b*tch, don't tell me about it. I'm always taking pictures, wherever I am. I'm always laughing. If I don't have a smile on my face, then you know somethings wrong. 

want a spanish lesson ? va saltar un puente
perra <: - go jump off a bride b*tch <3


 I'm the one without braces, woo.

 I'm the one in the middle ;)
Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucket
Brandon & Andrew :)
Photobucket Barbie*



Quotes by Aortts5

Do you remember her now? The girl who never used to smile?
She might fall into your mind, and might stay for while.
Do you remember her eyes, dark brown with no glow?
She cried them out for hours when she had no where to go.
Thick and faded scars entirely covered her arm.
Did you ever stop to wonder words could do such harm?
She told others to hold on, to keep going, to stay strong. 
You actually thought she was happy? You were wrong.
Battling herself, she was trapped in her very own mind.
A lost and broken child no one bothered to find.
Wanting nothing more than for the pain to finally end,
She settled for the only option; it was time to drop dead.
Her fragile grip on hope was beginning to wear loose,
Other thoughts consumed her mind, the gun, pills, or noose?
This child was a lost cause, not worthy of being missed.
Her hands were never held, her lips remained unkissed.
No one stayed long enough to show that they care,
The feeling of being worthless was just too much to bare.
Recovery became an idea way out of her reach.
Why could she save others, but not practice what she preached?
She treated others so lovely, but herself like dirt.
Was there ever a day not filled with hurt?
She insisited she was fine, it was what they wanted to hear.
She had them fooled, while she planned to disappear.
She kept her share of secrets, one she would never tell. 
Outside she remained quiet, but her mind was begging to yell.
The darkness never faded, it never turned to light.
"That's it" she said, "I give up!" It all ended tonight.
A friend could have saved her, maybe convince her to stay.
But everyone she opened up to, gave up along the way.
She could have made it far, but couldn't do it on her own.
Maybe this would be different if she wasn't so alone.
You thought she could make it through whatever,
And now she is done, and will be gone forever.
Her time is up, she put the gun to her head.
Her hand slowly pulls the trigger, bang bang, she's finally dead.

Do you remember her now? The girl who never used to smile?
She might fall into your mind, and might stay for while.
Do you remember her eyes, dark brown with no glow?
She cried them out for hours when she had no where to go.
Thick and faded scars entirely covered her arm.
Did you ever stop to wonder words could do such harm?
She told others to hold on, to keep going, to stay strong. 
You actually thought she was happy? You were wrong.
Battling herself, she was trapped in her very own mind.
A lost and broken child no one bothered to find.
Wanting nothing more than for the pain to finally end,
She settled for the only option; it was time to drop dead.
Her fragile grip on hope was beginning to wear loose,
Other thoughts consumed her mind, the gun, pills, or noose?
This child was a lost cause, not worthy of being missed.
Her hands were never held, her lips remained unkissed.
No one stayed long enough to show that they care,
The feeling of being worthless was just too much to bare.
Recovery became an IDEA way out of her reach.
Why could she save others, but not practice what she preached?
She treated others so lovely, but herself like dirt.
Was there ever a day not filled with hurt?
She insisited she was fine, it was what they wanted to hear.
She had them fooled, while she planned to disappear.
She kept her share of secrets, one she would never tell. 
Outside she remained quiet, but her mind was begging to yell.
The darkness never faded, it never turned to light.
"That's it" she said, "I give up!" It all ended tonight.
A friend could have saved her, maybe convince her to stay.
But everyone she opened up to, gave up along the way.
She could have made it far, but couldn't do it on her own.
Maybe this would be different if she wasn't so alone.
You thought she could make it through whatever,
And now she is done, and will be gone forever.
Her time is up, she put the gun to her head.
Her hand slowly pulls the trigger, bang bang, she's finally dead.
Chapter 1.
Lily's POV.

My name is Lily. My parents are alcoholics. I'm 15. My parents abuse
me when they're drunk..which is very often.
I still went to school, and put on a fake smile for everyone.
No one would have ever guessed about my terrible life.
I have to make up excuses about why I  have so many bruises
. One day, my dad came into my room and started beating me,
because he was drunk..obviously. He took off his belt, and started whipping me.
That night, when he left, I self harmed. I cut myself..all down my thighs,
& all down my wrists. I wish I had a normal life.
What would it be like?
I wish  my parents loved me. Every night, I dream about finding someone who knows what I'm going through..
someone who's like me..
someone who won't judge me. Someone that's loving, & caring...


Cutting might make you feel better for a short amount of time, but the reality is that you’re hurting yourself. Please don’t cut. You are stronger than that. You have what it takes to fight this. Believe in yourself. Your friends and family actually do love you, they may not show it but they do.

 she took off her hollister shirt, & her abercrombie shorts ,& threw them aside, & picked up her dads old tee shirt & her old navy shorts & walked into the pouring rain with her makeup streaming down her face & her hair natural;saying i give up

idc if this isn't pretty ;; fav ? mine.

if you put your hand over my mouth,
i hope you know, i am going to lick you(:

 Society   taught   us   if    we're   not   pretty,   we're   less  important. 
 Society   taught   us   if   we're   not   skinny,  w e're  not   pretty.