
Status: Trying to forget you, is like trying to forget how to breath..<3
Joined: March 8, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 157256
Location: Ute, IA
Gender: F

Quotes by Alyhoop

Maybe one day,
I'll be what you need.
But don't wait to long....
Because the day you want me,
may be the day I've given up.....
I swear,
High School would be so much better if
everyone would just shut up and stop
judging each other.

My little sister is getting made fun of at
school becasue she's adopted.

This is what she responded with:
"Well, my parents chose me. Your
parents are stuck you with."
Girl- Which is more important to you, me or your life?
Boy- Before I answer that can I ask you something?
Girl- Sure
Boy- Is there a difference between you and my life?
I'm going to smile and make think I'm happy,
I'm going to laugh so you don't see me cry,
I'm going to let you go in style
and even if it kills me,
I'm going to smile........
I just wish you could see how much I love you....
The freshman girl oh so shy,
sits and watches the sophmore guy.
The sophmore guy with his head in a whirl,
sits and watches the junior girl.
The junior girl in her red sedan,
sits and watches the senior man.
But the senior man all hot and wild,
secretly love the freshamn child.

I have plans for valentines day....

Going to the ortho in the morning......

Then going to the therapist that night....


Be the reason she smiles
every morning.....
Not the reason why she cries
every night......</3
Boy: Im sorry this is not working..its not you or me....

Girl: I know you are so lame....

Just an idea to tell him it was his fault it was not working.