
Joined: August 23, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: March 9
user id: 327002
Gender: F
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Hi, my name is Alli
I'm just a teenage girl who loves music A LOT.
My favorite animals are foxes and wolves. My favorite mythical creatures are phoenixes and dragons :D
Music I like:
Pierce The Veil, A Day to Remember, Sleeping with Sirens, Mayday Parade, Ghost Town
You Me At Six, All Time Low, Cartel, VersaEmerge, Icon for Hire, Avenged Sevenfold
Hedley, Every Avenue, Cash Cash, FM Static, Marianas Trench
Black Veil Brides, Green Day, Red, This Century

Quotes by Allisaurus

"-People are talking a band they like- One person: ew I hate them, they suck"

Well no one asked you, did we? Shut up.
When girls think acting like a little kid is cute.
When that girl talks about drugs all the time and how she's gonna get some from somebody.
When that girl thinks being high during school is cool (hey that rhymed, omg)
When she just wants all the attention

Haha. Get out, idiot <3

Note: If I'm not on here much, just go to my tumblr. I'm on that a lot more, you can get to it by going onto my page on here, and clicking "Tumblr" above the stuff that talks about me. If that doesn't work, for some odd reason, my tumblr is:

Anyway, have a good day/night/whatever you may feel like calling it <3
"Oh, I'm for animal rights. I'm a vegeterian."
"Ehh, I hate cats. They can go die in a hole somewhere."
Well, hello you hypocrite. If you say you're for animal rights and want cats to die, yeah, you're a hypocrite. So, stop being that way, bye <3.
Leonardo DiCaprio: Welcome to Moviefone's Unscripted. I'm Leonardy- -facepalm-
Everything is just getting worse again. I was doing so well in being happy and today, it just went bad. All because I can't get away from my "best friend". Ever since she came back to my school, I've felt so bad. I've been wanting to die or hurt myself for months now. She has managed to make me feel invisible. She has made me feel so lonely in a crowded room, all because she can't seem to handle if she doesn't have attention. I've recently moved lunch tables, and only about.. two or three people have noticed, and she isn't included at all, and we have every class together. Somehow, she always seems to lower my self-esteem, which.. is almost impossible because I barely have self-esteem now. We still have like.. a month left of school. I don't know what to do, at all. I.. may need some help here.

The Truth Is...
Bad thoughts flood my mind, things like death.
No one would care if I disappeared.
My self-esteem is lower now.
My self-confidence is lower now.
Attractiveness isn't a friend towards me.
This person takes people from me every single day.
Compared to her, I'm invisible.
Who caused me to feel this?
My own "best friend". The one I've known since 2nd grade, the one I thought I knew. The one I have every class with. The one I have to sit beside at lunch. Know what? I'm tired of it.


I decided tonight, after a long day of thoughts and tears, I'm going to try as hard as I can, to do what I've always needed to do.

I'll become confident. I'll believe in myself.
I'll become more social with others. And finally, I won't care what others say about me. Tomorrow starts it. I can't wait..
The awkward moment when:

-Your Spanish teacher basically calls her class stupid
-When she says to a stupid of hers "It's because you're a lazy white boy."
-Gives the Spanish classes more work than the French classes, because she hates the Spanish classes
-Doesn't even teach the Spanish class
-Gives the class a LOT of work that was supposed to have been started on, on 1/7/13 and due 1/25/13, when she gives it to us on 1/18/13.

I'm sorry, but no. Let my friends and I tie you up and set you on fire, please.