
Joined: April 25, 2011
Last Seen: 7 years
Birthday: November 26
user id: 168937
Location: England
Gender: M

Hello there.
I'm alnicholas, nice to meet you! I have left this 'bio' area blank for quite some time now and thought I would write something. I just realised I have been on Witty nearly a year (joined 25th April 2011), the time has flown, I can hardly believe it. I witnessed the demise of James Brass, the rise and fall of Brandon Cyrus, the 'Big Witty Crash of 2011', the craze of Harry Potter quotes, the 'Fave for a rate' quotes, the One Direction craze and the Hunger Games craze and many more. I have seen this place change big time! The other day I looked at my follower count. I had no idea it was so high, I have never promised a follow back or asked for a single follower, so to know that over 2000 people on Earth have conciously decided to 'Follow' me and care about what I have to say absolutley overwhelmes me. I know it's not the most followers on here, not by a far, but I thank every single follower from the bottom of my heart. It really does mean so much to me. I have quotes with over 3000 favourites,  it's insane.  So...Why am I writing this? Well I am not really sure myself, but I just feel I owe a thank you to everyone on this website for not only favouriting, commenting and following me and my quotes, but for writing their own quotes which inspire, change and help me, which make me laugh, which make me think. I doubt a single person will actually be bothered to read this but I just felt the need to show some kind of acknowledgement to everyone on here who has made me so happy! I may not be as 'popular' or 'well known' on here as I used to be, but regardless, I'm going to keep making quotes and I hope you'll stick around to see them :)! Oh and also I have hidden the links to my Youtube videos on this page somewhere, if you're a true 'Wittian' they shouldn't be that hard to find! ;) 
Love from Alastair :)

Colorful Counters
Hi I'm alastair nicholas, from England UK, please take a look at my quotes and comment if you like!
Thanks a lot! 


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I've been getting a lot of comment asking me stuff so I thought I'd do this :)!
My full name is - Alastair Nicholas Reed
I am - 16
My birthday is - 26th November
My eyes are - Blue
My hair is - Red/Brown
and I live in- England

Leave a comment, I'll try to reply! :) 

Comments by AlNicholas

AlNicholas 8 years ago to samasaures
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Hey, decided to check my profile on here after all these years and saw your comment. Hope you're well :-)
AlNicholas 1 decade ago to IEatPieAllDayandNight
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ehh i left 'cos people didn't really seem to get me on here :( :( in general they still done!
AlNicholas 1 decade ago to ForeverSouless
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thank ya thank ya x
ForeverSouless 1 decade ago to ForeverSouless
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you're welcome :)
AlNicholas 1 decade ago to IEatPieAllDayandNight
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i suppose I am :) thank you, that's sweet of you xx
AlNicholas 1 decade ago to OhHoePlease
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thank you :-)!!x
AlNicholas 1 decade ago to ukfangirl
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aw sorry for scaring you ahah!! but thank you !:)
ukfangirl 1 decade ago to ukfangirl
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You're welcome! Do you know why the new witty doesnt show notifications? Or does it and I'm stupid, because I had two comments and some favs that it didnt tell me about(you're the first person I've talked to on here for a while and I thought you might know)
AlNicholas 1 decade ago to IJustLikedYourQuote
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ah that's sweet of you, thank you!x
AlNicholas 1 decade ago to QuoteMexoh44
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thank you x xx
AlNicholas 1 decade ago to roseth0rn
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thank you sweeeet x
AlNicholas 1 decade ago to AlNicholas
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thank you for the (two) birthday messages hahaha!
AlNicholas 1 decade ago to HOPEiSNOWHERE
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I haven't been on witty in aaaages either :(!!! and aw this message really made me smile, thank you for that x x x
AlNicholas 1 decade ago to Debz1D
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ty! x
AlNicholas 1 decade ago to browneyedgirl213
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aw thank you!!!
AlNicholas 1 decade ago to asheequeeny
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Emm well I just dislike what I have become to be honest. I used to be such a kind loving person and now a days I find myself judging and thinking horrible things. It's not that I want to do it, but you can't always help what creeps into your head. I have received loads of messages on tumblr telling me how much of an I am these days and when you hear something enough you start to believe it. Idk, sorry for venting on you but that's the truth! :( :( xx
AlNicholas 1 decade ago to xnevershoutsalena
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this is one of the loveliest things I have ever read, you are a wonderful human being <3
AlNicholas 1 decade ago to StayingStrongForever
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aw this comment made me smile! If you're ever feeling down you can talk to me!!x
AlNicholas 1 decade ago to mariex3
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I didn't really mislead anyone, if I posted a quote saying ' "inspirational quote here" - Lady Gaga ' you wouldn't think I was lady gaga would you?? I don't mean to sound defensive or attacking!
AlNicholas 1 decade ago to Jcshorty1
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just an fyi, i wasn't using steve to get faves, I was quoting him from here: :)
AlNicholas 1 decade ago to mariex3
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Just clearing something up, in my quote I never claimed to be steve, I used quotation marks, steve said that here
AlNicholas 1 decade ago to saraloves
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about your comment on my quote, steve did say that here: