
Joined: September 7, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 216349

Quotes by AioSummers

Don't you hate when you look good but you're not going anywhere?
The awkward moment...
    when you sing the wrong part of the song with confidence..

Peeling glue off your hands can actually be entertaining. 

Don't ever say a girl is prettier around your girlfriend...
Or else...

You're a dead man!!

Sometimes it's easier to say you don't have feelings for someone,
instead of explaining why you still do.


It's funny how I'm good at giving advice to others....

but when it comes to helping myself,


 I  don't know what to do.


You get the worst feeling ever...

when you realize you forgot to put on deodorant.

It’s always awkward..  to think that your whole life has been recorded....
&& watched by millions of people...

I love making up romantic stories of me and my crush in my head. 

happybirthday MOTHER MARY ! ♥♥♥