
Joined: February 3, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 150932
Flashing Animated Hearts
Flashing Word Bubblebeautifulhey

My Family
They are always there for me i have my parents, and i have twin brothers who are adopted for thailand...(coment if you have adopted siblings)
10 Things About Me!! :)
1. I have alot of friends
2. I love my family
3. I am a very likeable person only if you are noce to me.
4. I love my family
5. I am a Christian
6. I LOVE Taylor Lautner team jacob all the way
7. Im a Sophomore in High School
8. Im 15 Years old
9. I play volley ball GO HERSHEY PANTHERS!
10. Im in swing chior

My Friends
I  have  alot  of friends who bring joy and laughter into my life eveyone of  them brings something diffrent even if they dont say anything at all when im sad or depressed seeing thiers faces make me feel better 

Love is always worth fighting for <3
Photobucket Ninja
  Myspace Comments
Heart Glitters

Quotes by 568angelbaby

If we just looked on the brighter side of life we wouldn't want to change the bad things in life

Doing those things in private
That you Never even think
Of doing in public :)

The other day my grandpa was in the hospital.
My family and I were going on the elevator when
All of a sudden we hear my little brother say
"This elevator is a peice of cramp!"
We all laughed soooo hard then i finally i was like
"do you mean crap."
* I LOVE this KID :) *

Would you rather.......
        Have tons of friend but behind your back they really don't care about.
        Have one or two friends who would beat up the boy who broke your <3.
                                          *I <3 my Girls :)*

I'm the one who can talk to guys for

 hours on things I normally  wouldn't  but when

 it  comes telling that one

 special guy  I can't tell him how

 I feel.

I'm the girl who looses her phone every night
but says shes too tired to look for it now and looks for it in the morning.

Sometimes People Need to Go
Before We Realize We Want Them To Stay. :)

*Wouldn't life be easier if we could live from disney quotes* 

~It's not on the ouside, but on the inside that caounts.~ Aladin 
~Always let your conscience be your guide.~ Pinoochio
~The past can hurt but the way I see it you run from it or you can learn from it.~ The Loin King
~Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind. Or forgotten.
~ Lilo and Stitch

~ With just a little bit of pixie dust you can fly. ~ Peter Pan
(There are so many we can learn from so just



I'm One  Of Those People Who laughs at a Joke Three Times,

>>>Once when it is told to me. :)

>>>Another When I Get it Explained to Me. :)

>>>Finally 5 min. Later When I Finally Get It. ^__^




Hey  Hey  You You 

Walking Down The Hallway

Put  O     Smil

 Because It Is A Great Day!!! :)