
Joined: July 7, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 191887
Gender: F
Hey, my name's Paris, I'm 13 and I'm Australian. I'm a perfectionist, a grammar nazi, I love my family and friends SO much, Beyonce is one of my biggest inspirations and role models, I freaking love inspirational music, I have a tumblr (www.unchangeablethough.tumblr.com), I wish everything on earth really did happen for a good reason and people didn't kill, I'm a tree hugger and last but definitely not least, my best friends are Grace and Madz.

321pazzy123's Favorite Quotes

you never really know someone
until you have a conversation with them at 3 am.


plot twist: we all grow up and become attractive well liked people


isn't it sad when you
get hurt so much, you can finally say "I'm used to it".

This quote does not exist.

i never finish anyth

I found myself thinking about

you again tonight. Just like last night, and the night before and every single night since our friendship ended. I guess I just cant help but wonder if I ever cross your mind, even if its just for a second or two. I wonder if you ever think of me late at night when youre alone in your bed. I just hope that one day I will find enough courage to tell you all of this, and let you know how much I miss you. Not tonight though, or tomorrow night, and until the night I do tell you, I will just keep remembering you, and everything we shared, and how adorable you were. Again and again.
Are we allowed to like the music without knowing everything about the artist?
Girls never get mad FOR no reasons.
It may be over something small or stupid.
But there is always a reason.


Math tests:
A farmer plants 7 crops of potatoes and 3 crops of carrots. What is the probablity that his moms name is Margaret. 

History tests:
The American Civil War ended in 1865. Explain how this had a defining role in the extinction of dinosaurs.

Literature tests:
Explain what the author meant by, "the orange was as orange as an orange."

Physics tests:
The aliens ate 4.3 doughnuts. Their crumbs fell to the Earth because of gravity. Calculate how many penguins are eating pickles at the speed of light.


things that cause me a mental breakdown:
- slow internet connection
- losing something i held a second ago
- kids screaming for no reason
- kids screming for no reason
- girlswith annoying voices
- sciece
- my mom
- arguing with stupid people
- when the thread won't go through the eye of the needle