Quotes added on Wednesday, September 2 2015

"And of all the things my hands have held, the best by far is you" 🎶
I've realized I'm the kind of person who needs constant validation that someone likes/loves me
It's a scary realization that every relationship ends in either marriage or a breakup
I dread the day that my heart will break

soo.. anyone not straight on here
gay, bi, pan, ace, poly, demi, etc ??


(as requested in q/7053680) (ahahah, here I am doing this again, I am so bored and this is fun, okay? Sorry.)

1. When September/October comes around, brace yourself with my horror-movie-watching spree. This may or may not last all year round.
2. I am seriously the clumsiest person ever. EVER.
3. We are getting a cat. I don't even care. Cats are my life. And huskies. We will be getting a cat and a husky.
4. Anyone is welcome over at any time, unless I am showering. Nobody comes into the apartment whilst I am showering.
5. I enjoy loud music.
6. I only wear jeans. Rarely will you ever see me wear shorts (out in public, at least.)
7. I like to think I am good at cooking, and basically everything else.
8. Sometimes I like to teach you how to do a certain dance. (i.e: cha cha, swing,waltz, ect.)
9. I get competetive over the most stupidest things ever.
10. I am very, very insecure. Do not point out my flaws, I know every single one already. If you do this, I swear I will end you.
11. I spend waaay to much time in bookstores, even when I have no money.
12. I spend too much money on books.
13. Witty is a must.
14. My phone goes everywhere with me.
15. Sometimes when I am upset, I don't talk for a while. Just leave me be, do not bother me.
16. We must have oatmeal in the house, must.
17. When I am writing or reading me, do not disturb me.
18. My obsession with Nat Wolff and Evan Peters may make you uncomfortable at first, but you'll get used to it.
19. I listen to music when I shower.
20. I HAVE to organize our grocery cart when we go grocery shopping.

as the days get shorter, my summer memories grow stronger.
especially memories of you
There's nothing left to lose
sometimes insistent people scare me
I seriously haven't posted all this time because I'm too lazy to open my giant fuckking laptop, but I take too much pride in how good my quotes look to use the mobile version.
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