Quotes added on Wednesday, September 2 2015

Everything is blue
His pills, his hands, his jeans
And now I'm covered in the colors
Pulled apart at the seams
And it's blue
And it's blue

Everything is grey
His hair, his smoke, his dreams
And now he's so devoid of color
He don't know what it means
And he's blue
And he's blue
(as requested in q/7053680)

1. I have a tradition of using purple toothbrushes.
2. I drink my coffee black. The worse my mood, the more bitter it'll be. A sugar cube means a good day.
3. I will walk around the house with your hoodie, a blanket, and a quilt, and you will deal with it.
4. No situation is too awkward to crack bad sexual jokes. Never bring a partner home. I will humiliate the both of you; it's how I show affection.
5. If you catch me cackling at cartoons at four in the morning, don't bring it up at breakfast. Odds are I'm too tired and grumpy for your shxt, and I will glare at you until one of us has to leave.
6. Speaking of which, just because I'm looking at you and not smiling doesn't mean I'm glaring. I just have sharp eyes. I'm not glaring at you. I'm not glaring at you.
7. I will come and flop on your bed and moan until you pay attention to me.
8. I will leave dinosaur and space nerd stuff all over the place and get genuinely furious when you try to touch it.
9. I will pretend I can cook. You will have to do damage control. And lie and tell me I did a good job. 
10. I'm pain-in-the-axs obnoxious about 'my seat' at the kitchen table.
11. Yes, I need twenty bottles in the shower. No, I won't use one at the time. Variety is the spice of life, okay.
12. I'll make a big deal of the little puff of steam the kettle makes after you pour a hot drink, and tell you to shut up if you teasingly point it out.
13. Sometimes I start crying late at night and will stubbornly refuse to tell you why in the morning.
14. I snack on biscuits at 2am. Hide your stash.
15. Listening to dark secrets, giving advice, and comforting people as they cry is one of my secret talents.
16. It will take me a long time to tell you I don't know where the bus station is. A lot of patience is required with peopele this stubborn.
17. I will eat the leftovers. Always. 
18. I love comfortable silences and hanging upside down off the sofa. Best served together.
19. I'm an insecure little shxt and will probably ask you monthly 'do you want to move out? You hate living with me, it's okay, I know.'
20. I have to sing Yellow Flicker Beat by Lorde to psyche myself up before I rip off a wax strip. Don't laugh at me or I'll end you.

mine. mine. m i n e .


The days are long,
but the years are short,

she realized.
Time is passing, and I'm not focusing enough
on the things that really matter.

-- The Happiness Project

CAREER MANAGEMENT: Know which direction the world is heading - This will enable you know which career to pursue. This is the only solution to mass unemployment, because you only have a career when your idea is in high demand. Career management is more of having an idea that matches available opportunities.
there's never been a moment more beautiful than the moment his hand touched mine for the first time
This quote does not exist.

Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing,

are the same.

Relations are like stapler pins.

Easy to attach, but

Very hard to detach.

Even if the pin is removed,

It always leaves a mark.

(as requested in q/7053680)

1. I'll do my laundry eventually but for now it's fine on the desk chair.
2. Breakfast isn't so much a meal as it is a motivation for me to drag my sorry axss out of bed.
3. Poptarts are a meal f/ck you.
4. A bowl of spinach is a meal too leave me alone.
5. I can't cook for sh/t.
6. I lose my glasses about every ten minutes and I throw a fit every time.
8. I haven't made my bed since elementary school and I never will again.
9. I go through like two cartons of orange juice a week. It's because I'm from Florida. 
10. If the neighbors have a dog I'm going to build my schedule around the most opportune times to see the dog.
11. Washing dishes is my favorite chore and I'm weird about it.
12. When I'm barefoot I always walk on my tiptoes and I don't know why.
13. I can be an early bird and night owl but f/ck the midafternoon.
14. Yeah I'm drinking coffee at 10 pm what's your point???
15. Yes my hair is a disaster it's always like this I don't know what you want me to do about it.
16. I can't sing but that's not gonna stop me.
17. I keep my phone in my bra. I keep my money in bra. Everything is in my bra.
18. I'm probably gonna get lost within the apartment complex and call you to my rescue at some point.
19. I'm gonna accumulate empty water bottles in my room and then one day you'll just see me carry like twenty all at once out to the trash.
20. I have a terrible habit of sitting/lying on counters and tabletops and it's almost ritualistic.

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