Quotes added on Thursday, April 23 2015

I'm Only Human: I've been in love, and I've been heartbroken. I have felt so amazingly happy, I felt like dancing, and so extremely sad, I felt as if I couldn't live another day. I'm only human. I have been stressed. I have been depressed. I have been all alone. I have been joyful. I have been blessed, and I have been grateful. I've gone through the trials, the pain, and suffering of life. I have had ups and downs in my relationships. I've been called idiot , and clever. I'm only human. There have been those days When I've felt my heart couldn't take the pain any more, and all I wanted to do was wake up from this horrible dream I felt I was living in. There have also been days, when my heart overflowed with so much love, it truly took away my breath. I'm only human. I've been used, abused, and taken for granted. My life is anything but picture perfect. I'm not the smartest. I'm not the priest. I have been hurt by the ones I've loved, and rejected by the people I called my friends , families. I have felt cherished, special, 1 in a million. I am only human. I've taken what life has thrown my way, and made it through. Only by the grace of God, have I made it without being defeated. Sometimes, behind the smiling face of those dear to you, is a broken, hurting, wounded, abandoned, and lonely person. Take the time to ask, show you care. Maybe one day, when you are feeling as if you can't take another step, someone will look you straight in the eyes, see right through to your soul, and say: No. Your not okay. How can I be there for you? After all¦We are only Human.
The night is my companion...solitude my guide....and I would be the one to hold you down, kiss you so hard, I'll take your breath away...my body aches to breathe your breath, your words keep me alive
Even though you're gone, its like you never left cause you're always in my heart and still take away my breath.

Always kiss me goodnight and I'll be there in the morning
Please be there to catch me and I promise I won't be falling

I don't want a perfect husband, I want a best friend 
Sometimes a master...but we'll get to that at the end

Never tell me lies and I'll do the same to you
Never cheat on me and you'll never have to 

Tell me jokes, make me laugh, tease my hair
Know I really do love you, cause I will pretend not to care

Know I always love you, even when we fight
Remember to always love me true...and always do me right 
My love, you take my breath away. What have you stepped in to smell this way?
Youre like my asthma, you take my breath away. Like dandruff; I cant get you off my head. Like my car, you drive me crazy. Like dentures, I cant smile without you.
When u use your mobile as a tannong device then you know its time to sleep....
A dreamer is a person that understands there's reality yet steps right in to share there crazy world

no matter how much happiness would come my way, it would never suffice what you took away from me when you left ...
i still miss you , so much so that whenever i even get a glimpse of the time with you my heart feel like its gonna explode !
Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away.
 Will Smith
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