Quotes added on Saturday, April 4 2015

Go on, pick it up.

 & look at the reflection that stares back at you.
Who's that little girl again? And why is she trembling with fear? How could you let that happen to her, I thought you'd keep your promise. Didn't she want her own princess castle, and dazzling Prince to match? Where did all those dreams go, and why's she lighting a cig? Now what's she doing popping pills, she's not even sick!

Did I make it that easy for you to walk in and out of my life? 
I don't know why thigh gaps are such a big deal?
Girls without thigh gaps:

Marilyn Monroe



Katy perry

Jennifer Lawrence  

Jennifer Lopez


Kim kardashian

Audrey Hepburn 

Elizabeth Taylor 

All these women are admired by thousands of men who cares if their thighs touch?

I wanted a perfect ending. Now I’ve learned, the hard way, that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what’s going to happen next. Delicious Ambiguity
Gosh! I just really feel the need to address all the things on my mind. So here we go

1. I have already discussed the Zayn issue in my last quote which was a relief and a load off of my chest. 

2. Hufflepuffs. Why do people talk bad about it? Like hufflepuffs are loyal and hard working and honest. Like I am a proud Hufflepuff. We are patient, kind, loyal, trusing, nice, friendly. I mean J.K. Rowling is a Hufflepuff. We have the queen on our side, just saying. (A little side note, if I wasn't in Hufflepuff I would most likely be in Ravenclaw)

3. I just love Pisces. Like I freaking love them. I love being one. I think we are just awesome! Pisces are a lot like Hufflepuffs, which makes me love both of them even more!!

4. I am Divergent. I want to just be Erudite, but I am also Amity and Abnegation. When it would come to the choosing ceremony, I would most likely choose Erudite. I just love having knowledge over anything. And I love learning new things.

So now you know that I am a Hufflepuff,  a Pisces, and when it comes down to Ceremony time I am definitely Erudite.

Never tell anyone that anything is impossible. Just because you can't do it doesn't mean they can't.

These are only a couple of examples of people who did the impossible.
Before Michelangelo could make the impossible possible in his painting of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, he had to see the unseen as visualization in his mind.  No one else saw this impossible dream until it was finished in 1512

2. Landing a man on the moon was considered impossible, until President Jack Kennedy proclaimed his belief in the possibility in 1961 that  before the end of the decade America would land a man on the moon and bring him home.  The reality of that impossible dream was made to happen in the summer of 1969.

3. Nobody thought that Thomas Edison could invent anything because at school his teachers said that he didn't know anything but look at what he's invented now!

You can do the impossible don't listen to what anyone else says remember don't let education put limits on you.
The easiest way to Grow, is to let Go. Knowing, that someone else is managing the show!-RVM 

' Are you, are you

Coming to the tree

Where I told you to run

So we'd both be free '


"There are no two words in the English language more harmful than 'Good Job'"

- Whiplash, (2014)
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