Quotes added on Friday, December 14 2012

Do you like pie? If so, what's your favorite kind?


I don't always eat pie, but when I do, I prefer chocolate.
Ask skimmingthepavement a question

I looked in the mirror, 
and took a deep breath.
I completely lost it. so there i went.


Anyone can give up, it's the
easiest thing in the world
to do. But to hold it together
when everyone else would
understand if you fell apart,
that's true strength.
I know he's a player
but i wanna be 

That makes him hang up
his jersey and

To Tell You.
To tell you all that is wrong?
Oh, I wouldn't even know where to start.
Maybe with the points, snide comments and stares,
or maybe with the aching pain I have in my heart.

You want to know my thoughts, wishes, and dreams?
Oh where could I begin?
I could tell you all my secrets and the truth to all my lies,
or I could just stick with how I never quite fit in.

To tell you everything,
the reason of every thought I have on those sleepless nights?
Oh that would be a weight off my shoulders.
If only I could tell you it all, if just for tonight.

I just want things to go back to

the way they used to be.



So this young girl that I didn't know saw me at the coffeehouse today. And out of nowhere she said, "Hey, you're really, really pretty." And then I said, "Thanks, you are too." I just thought it was one of the sweetest, cutest things that has happened in awhile.

It seems that Christmas should be a great time of year
eating good food, opening gifts, & spending time with great
family & friends.
It just hurts that yet another year my Grandfather wont
be here. He's been gone for 12 years and it just doesn't seem
possible on how the time went by so fast.
I miss you everyday Grandpa & I wish
you were still here with the rest of us.
I hope to see you soon someday.
I love you so much RIP

No matter how bad it seems,

you have to keep your head up and stay positive.



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