Quotes added on Saturday, September 3 2011

I'm afraid of 35 out of 72 common fears:
I am paranoid I guess ?

[x] the dark
[x] staying single forever
[x] being a parent
[x] giving birth
[x] being myself in front of others.
[] open spaces
[x] closed spaces
[x] heights
[] dogs
 [x] birds
[] fish
[x] spiders
[] flowers or other plants
[] being touched
[x] fire
[x] deep water
[] snakes
[] silk
[] the ocean
[x] failure
[] success
[] thunder/lightning
[] frogs/toads
[] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad
[] boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[x] rats
[x] jumping from high places
[] snow
[] rain
[] wind
[x] crossing hanging bridges
[x] death
[] heaven
[x] being robbed
[x] falling
[] clowns
[x] dolls
[] large crowds of people
[] men
[] women
[x] having great responsibilities
[] doctors, including dentists
[x] tornadoes
[x] hurricanes
[x] incurable diseases
[x] sharks
[] Friday the 13th
[x] ghosts
[x] poverty
[] Halloween
[] school
[x] trains
[] odd numbers

[] even numbers
] being alone
[x] becoming blind
[x] becoming deaf
[x] growing up
[x] creepy noises in the night
[x] bee stings
[] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[x] needles
[] blood
[] dinosaurs
[] the welcome mat
[] high speed
[x] throwing up
[] falling in love
[x] super secrets

If you repost this, it's been requested that you title it "I'm afraid of _ out of 72 common fears"

If you get more than 30, I strongly recommend some counseling.
If you get more than 20, you’re paranoid.
If you get 10-20, you are normal.
If you get 10 or less, you’re fearless.
People who don’t have any are liars

 Officially 3 more days left of summer to end and school to begin .

Has anyone else
Just looked at someone and the first thing you thought was
"i hate you"?

fav if you had one special person on ur mind while reading this:) i know i did


confession up to ten?
fav. or comment if i shoullllllld,ttthanks(:

Me: Well , do what your heart tells you.

LOL, I love our conversations.(:

When  I Die I Wanna  Give  My Facebook  To  Someone To  Creep Out Others js :P

"Are we gonna be friends forever?"
asked Piglet.

 "Even longer,"
said Pooh.

 nothings better then knowing you facebook official <3 click click

Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men.
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