Quotes added on Wednesday, September 15 2010

L  O V E  

T A Y L O R  S W I F T  ?


Your my favorite addiction~ but ur illegal for me to have~i cant help the way the tears run down my face~because the feelings i have for you are AMAZINGLY strong and your always gonna have a special place in my heart <3 and thats a promise....I PINKY SWEAR<3
*So take my hand & promise to never let go*
It's Kind of  fun  to do...



  ♥    The Impossible

 I've come to realize.. 

That, no matter how many
times we fall apart, we
come back together. that
even if we give up, that
that connection, that..
passion for eachother
will come and save us both.

So what i really mean is that ,

no matter how hard i try, i'll always be in love with you.


he puts the biggest smile on my face but all at the same time he rips my heart out not even meaning to..just his touch going to another girl makes me all jealous and sad and makes me wish that he had his arms around me not her wish he called me his girl not anyone else..but i dont want my pain to get to him so he takes me back just so i can crush him again because im not worth his love he deserves so much better then me..im sorry....but istly ( i still love you)


Landon: Jamie has faith in me. She makes me want to be different, better.
~ A Walk to Remember <3
Landon: Our love is like the wind... I can't see it, but I sure can feel it.
~ A Walk to Remember <3
Frankly, my dear.

I don't give a damn.

There are four stages of life;

1) You believe in Santa Clause.  
2) You don't believe in Santa Clause.
3) You are Santa Clause.
4) You look like Santa Clause.

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