Quotes added on Saturday, April 3 2004

"Whàt ïs løvê ànd whàt døês ït dêfïnê?
Whø's tø sày ànd whø's tø dràw thê lïnê?
& wïthïn thïs wørld ànd àll ïts fúss,
whø's tø sày ïf ït's løvê ør à sïmplê crush"
I can't help but sit here and think about all the stupid stuff we’ve done together...
I wouldn't want to be stupid with anyone else!”

“*-* So many laughs through the years*-*
*-* And a few stories i hope no one hears*-*
*-* I'll always be by your side*-*
*-* Best friends forever till the day we die*-* ”

“Your real friends aren't necessarily the people you share the most time with....
but the people that you share the most memories with.”

“Sharing laughter, sharing tears, sharing triumphs, sharing fears,
growing closer through the years...true friendship is forever.”
i could add "eA" to get "HEART" or "U" to get "hurt"
But I rather use "U"to get "HURT" than have a "HEART" without "U"

"I CrY fOr YoU aT nIgHt,
I KnOw uR Mr. RiGhT,
I sEaRcH fOr YoU iN dReAmS,
I dOn'T kNow WhAt YoU tHiNk BoUt Me,
BuT iM bEtTeR tHaN i SeEm!"

“Sometimes you forget to tell someone how you really feel...and then eventually, you don't have a chance to do it.”

“*)(*I'll always remember*)(*
*)(*It was late afternoon*)(*
*)(*It lasted forever*)(*
*)(* And ended too soon....*)(*
*)(*You were all by yourself*)(*
*)(*Staring up at a dark gray sky*)(*
*)(*I was changed*)(*
*)(*In places no one would find*)(*
*)(* All your feelings so deep inside*)(*
*)(*It was then that I realized*)(*
*)(*That forever was in your eyes*)(*
*)(*The moment I saw you cry*)(*”

When my pen fell, u got it 4 me. When my books fell, you carried them 4 me. When
My tears fell, you wiped them 4 me. But if I fall 4 u...WILL U CATCH ME? ”

“»×« YoUr HuGz N kIsSeS aRe LiKe ThE sTaRz,
ThEy LiGhT uP mY lIfE WhEn ThInGs gEt DaRk. »×«”

“•×I wish I may, I wish I might, Be the one you wish for tonight.ו”
bEst friEndS fOrEveRr tHat'S aLl i cAn sAy!
"I can guarantee you that we will have tough times and I can guarantee you that at some point one or both of us will want to get out of this, but I can also guarantee you that if I don't ask you to be mine I will regret it for the rest of my life because in my heart I know that you are the only one for me"

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, and tear my skin apart, but no one will hurt me more than you b/c you broke my heart"
"For ever heart that finds Love...There is a heart that cries. For every dream that is reborn...There is a dream that dies. For every day filled with sun...There is a day of rain. For every hour filled with Joy...There is an hour of pain. For every smile upon a face...There is a tear to cry. For ever fond hello you say...There is a sad goodbye."

"you taught me to love, you taught me to cry, but what i really need you to teach me was how to say goodbye"
* Life is a song -- sing it.
Life is a game -- play it.
Life is a challenge -- meet it.
Life is a dream -- realize it.
Life is a sacrifice -- offer it.
Life is love -- enjoy it.*

you gave me hope..and you gave me love..and you gave me a reason to go on..
you gave me the power to love myself...and I will never forget that"

"Each of us represents a star in heaven.
Sometimes we shine with the rest,
sometimes we twinkle alone and
sometimes, when we least expect it,
we make someone’s dreams come true"
"Through All The Lies, The Sad Goodbyes, The Things We Hide,
The Tears We've Cried, Through Odds & Ends, We've Been Friends, Though Times Have Passed,
The Memories Last, So Always Remember, We'll Be Friends forever."
"^ * if i * r e a C h * for your hand will you ^ h O L d ^ it? if i hold out my a R m s ~ will you [ h u g ] me? if i go for your L i P s will you - K i S s - me? if i * C a p T u r e ) your ~ h e a r t <3 will you L o v E ~ me? * ^"
"We've been through so much,
more than anyone can see,
friends forever we will be,
Since we were little when we scraped our knees,
Now we be scraping our hearts, playa please.
I know we've had so many rough times,
but we can't forget about the funny times,
Stealing hearts and flirtin' with boys,
When we get our carz we pump some noise,
When we grow up we can't forget each other,
I love you like a sister or maybe a brother,
But I hope we don't grow apart from each other,
Cuz you're a best friend unlike no other"
Ya kno when u at a red light *n* da person next ta u moves up like a couple inches u autimaticly move up 2?? R we really makin progress towards are destination? "Whew, I thought we were gonna b late~but now that im nine inches closer i think ill stop for coffee *n* a danish!"
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