
Joined: May 15, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 7985
i havent been on this since like 6th grade.

Quotes by Gh3tt0bAbiGurLxO

* I say SIZZLE its hott in here there must me some (ur name) in the atmosphere!*

Can't talk cuz I am LoOkiNg uP Quotes on!

<3, Me
I'm away cuz I am wondering if the store PetsMart is Pets-Mart or Pet-Smart. I really don't know, and if you have an answer then IM me or call me. =D

Made by !!!ME!!!
One thing that annoys me:
When the really popular girls do something s00o0o0 stupid, evry1 thinkz it hilarious. But if you did the same thing, they'd think u were an idiot.
~There are LoTz oF pe0pl3 'n dis w0rLd daT bothEr mE...
Ur 1 of them...


WooHoo! SummAz Here!
I'm SICK!! :'-( Call ME (000-1111) to Cheer me up or VISIT ME!! I feel so cruddy! :-( :-( :-(SICK)-: )-: )-:

Love ya,
A little boy had to go #1 reli bad in school. The teacher wouldn't let him go until he said his ABC's. So he went "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOQRSTUVWXYZ". After he was done, his teacher went "Where is the P?". And the little boy replies "It's going down my pants".
I thought it wuz funny~
 Eo o3
 ( O )

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