Yeahh Quotes

Cross the line for what applies.

Had a boyfriend.
Been kissed.
Been dumped.
Fallen in love.

Been called ugly, fat, sl*t, etc.
Jumped off a bridge.
Rode a roller coaster.
Eaten an exotic food.
Snuck out of your house.
Drank alcohol .
Gotten so drunk you passed out.
cut your self on accident
... on Purpose.
Laughed hard
Called yourself ugly.
Met your idol.
Been to a concert.
Watched 'The Exorcist' and didn't have a nightmare.
Eaten a bug.
Read a book over a thousand pages.
Been called pretty by a boy.
Kissed somebody in the rain.
Been jealous of somebody else's relationship.
Climbed a tree over 20 feet tall.

Smoked a cigarette.
Smoked weed/pot.
Done or dealed drugs.
Gone skinnydipping.
Played chubby bunny.
Eaten a spider.
Been backstabbed by somebody you once called your best friend.
Gotten in a 
Egged somebody's house.
Had a crush on your best friend.
Been told by your parents that they hate you.
Been to another country. 
Rode your bike on a main street with no helmet.
Pulled an all nighter.
Answered all these questions honestly
You have somehow always had a small piece of my heart
Today has started off so well :)
Advice from a fellow Wittian:
Don't try to drink coffee while in a car, on a bumpy road.
Something Original

                               BECAUSE YOU'RE THE ONLONKNOW.                    XXX


People are so fake now a days -.-
More celebrities should donate blood.

I mean, imagine having the blood of Will Smith running through your veins!

I like to drink coffee late at night,

And then wonder why I can't fall asleep.

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