Worth Quotes

We all weigh joys and darkness and goodness and sin
you see, we are infinite within this skin we are in.
So when they ask you what you weigh
you don’t need to look down at any scale.
Instead, simply tell them the truth,
tell them how you
weigh whole universes
and storms and scars and stories too.



How to get ahead in life -For everyone. 

1. Don’t pay too much attention to the way you feel. Feelings change throughout the day and they are unreliable. Don’t let them rule your life, or interfere with your goals.

2. Decide not to worry as it tends to make things worse. If you focus on your worries it will drain your energy – and often what we’re dreading doesn’t happen anyway.

3. Cut the internal commentary. Stop telling yourself that things are going to fall apart, or your efforts won’t succeed, or you won’t be popular. Keep trying, moving forwards, and getting on with life.

4. Stop being self-critical. You need to be your own cheerleader and your biggest fan in life. Note progress, perseverance, attitude and inner strength. Be affirming, kind, believing and coach towards success.

5. Stop feeling guilty. Feeling guilty changes nothing. You are going to make mistakes. Accept you aren’t perfect - then get up and try again.

6. Stop worrying about what others think of you. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter what they think. Choose your own goals for your life – you’re not accountable to them.

7. Don’t worry about set backs or changes to your plans. Plans always need adjusting and things always go wrong – but that doesn’t mean “it’s over” or you’ll never reach your goals. Expect to make some changes – just be adaptable.
Daily Reminders. -For everyone. 

1. My self worth does not depend on what others think and say about me.
2. My self worth does not depend on how I look or what I weigh.
3. My self worth does not depend on my marks or performance.
4. My self worth does not depend on my number of followers.
5. I am enough just as I am.
6. I can succeed despite a bad day.
7. I am beautiful and valuable – and will treat myself with kindness and respect.
   Who taught you that the value of a woman is the ratio of her waist to her hips, and the circumference of her buttocks, and the volume of her lips? Your math is dangerously wrong. Her value is nothing less than infinite.

you're beautiful, it's true

Make sure you don’t
start seeing yourself
through the eyes of
those who don’t value
you. Know your worth
even if they don’t.


I would die for you
and I still don't know
if you mean that much to me
or if I mean that little to myself.

"It’s a mark of true sensibility on part of a guy to NEVER try, adopt or even go close-by to a practice of going down on his knees to propose with/without a rose to a girl his love for her."
~Anuj Somany
But if you had not stuck a knife inside me and walked away, how would I have learnt people do not die from wounds caused by other people, people die when they forget they are more than the pain

You must find no worth in yourself if you think I am worth less after you've touched me, as if worth is something we transfer; as if your hands on my body could magnify you and then reduce me to nothing.


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