Question Quotes

I felt so good leaving but- 
did it hurt when no one 
fought to make you stay? 
Sorry little lion cub.
The question isn't 'What's the point?'  The question is: What is a point?

Why is it for you to fall in love with someone, they must mistreat you?

If it is much easier to do it with flowers and chocolates

iF your eyes could speak, 
what would they say?

Plan your future
Record your past
Frozen in time
Before your time
Time after time
Time will tell
A question...of time
who where lives in New York ?
Is there a such thing as being too nice ?

"If someone calls you 'ugly', have a good come back and say
"Excuse me, i'm not a mirror"

Do you guys want me to write a story or whatever.
If you do, leave an idea on what the title should be or what genere it could be
" scary, funny, sad, etc" 

Have any of you ever posted a quote on instagram?

When I try to post one, with a white background and black font... it crops automatically or something and just half of the text is shown on mobile!

Can someone help me with that please?

I've not learned how to draw
What if you die with all of the colours?

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