Motivation Quotes

"जो लोग अपने बीवी के इशारे पे घर चलाते और खुद का दिमाग नहीं चला सकते , 
वो सारे निठल्ले या जोरू के गुलाम (बेवक़ूफ़) ही अधिकतर कौन सा राष्ट्रीय दल सरकार बनाये, वे कैसे देश चलाये और समाचार चैनल पर चलते बकवास खबर पर बेफजूल चर्चा एवं बहस करते अक्सर नजर आते"

- अनुज सोमानी
I have no motivation.

It's so stressful, doing nothing at all.

Lord please, give me something to live for.
If could save the world... but it didn't
Eighty percent of success is showing up.  The other twenty percent is giving the wrong address to the competition.
Be Grateful you are not like a rock that has no Choice. The sun shines on it, the waves splash at it. You have a Choice to Move and to Make your Dreams come True.
We Celebrate the Birthday of our Body, but we must know that in reality, we are the Soul that is Birthless. 
Far Greater than all the Material Possessions that I Possess is my Freedom to Choose, my Freedom to Live, and my Freedom to be Happy. 
Do you want to make your Life Exciting? Then Find a Purpose that will make you Jump out of bed each day with Enthusiasm, Power and Excitement!
Do you want to make your Life Exciting? Then Find a Purpose that will make you Jump out of bed each day with Enthusiasm, Power and Excitement!
Do what You Want To Do because if You don’t, You are Nothing but your own Slave.
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