Miss Quotes

Make you mine 
my husband I have that silly song as our ringtone
I miss you so
I'd write you everyday and remind you how much I love you. 
would it change anything.
if you knew how much I wanted you back.   
would you let me come back home.
let me love you again. 
i miss you.
I forgot how much I loved to write here

~i loved you so much, it hurt.
~i cried so hard, i felt free.
~i smiled so big, i felt trapped
~i hated you so much...and that hurt too.
-what did you do to me?
The sun may leave for some time, but it always comes back shining again the next day. Will you do the same with me?

I miss old wittyprofiles.

I haven't been on here in ages oh my goodness. I miss this place and my friends. I wish them all luck in their lives and hope for the best ❤️ a little update I suppose? I started this account my 8th grade year and I am nearly done half way with senior year. I am still with my boyfriend of 2 years and 1month. I am honestly so much healthier and happy- I do not hurt myself anymore, but I do have a vitamin D deficency that makes me depressed and tired all the time. If you have the app musical.ly, feel free to follow and contact me on it, my name is @aveomazin. This website helped me through so much and i will forever be grateful. Thank you. -Ave
I said I'd never abandon witty... juggling work, my boyfriend (who lives in an area that only gets verizon service.. I don't have verizon), and studying has really shot that to hell

there was a time when I was alone
nowhere to go and no place to call home
my only friend was the man in the moon
and even sometimes he would go away, too

I thought that I'd been hurt before
But no one's ever left me quite this sore

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