Good Quotes

When you have that lonely period
Ĺet it be and do not go seeking
Use it to rest and get to know yourself
What you like, what you do not and how you love
The right ones will find you
And you will know when they do
there will be no doubts
Love, happiness is supposed to rise your self esteem
Not crush it
Hold on
Oh you seem so happy
ou made me believe in you,
Just a little bit.
It's so easy to write about the pain
It's so easy to let the negativity in
It's so easy to rely on the bad
and forget the positivity that is there
You're alive
You're breathing
And against all the odds you thought was
You're happy
It's time to focus on the positive
Time to focus on the good in life
It's time for a change
Update number 2:
Its been another 3 years since Ive logged in to Witty. It took me over an hour to guess my username.
I broke into tears reading my sad posts from 5-6 years ago.. posts about suicide, begging for love and most of all, never being good enough.

I am now 21, MARRIED and have a BABY, a seven month old son, as well as with two dogs.
So please, listen to me when I say,


baby we don't stand a chance
it's sad but
it's true

but everytime you hurt me, 
the less that i cry

and everytime you leave me,
the quicker these tears dry

"Better to write just thoughts which have got wisdom a lot than a whole book that is not even worth referring for its quotes by a sensible reader and yet be regarded as a published author or celebrity."
~Anuj Somany
Would you like to fix the world? It's very easy. We could do it tomorrow. All it takes is for everyone who cares to show up at the same time and state, "They've been ripping us off, and we're stopping it now.” It's as simple as that.

However corrupt, no scam, no corporation, no institution, no law, no government, even no nation stands against sheer number.

It's always been majority rule. Majority rule is a law of nature. It's only when the majority forgets to pay attention and lets the greedy minority do what their disease compels them to do that the world temporarily turns upside down. It’s as easy to right as paying attention.
Do good and dont look at who !



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