Top Quotes Today

when you're home alone and 
someone knocks on your door;;

10% say "who is it?"
64% look through the peep hole.
25% open the door
1%-Crawl around on the ground like a ninja and look through the window very quietly to make sure it isn't a masked murder

fave if you're  that 1% (;

My 21 year old brother 
had  prom a few weeks ago.
My brother has Down Syndrome..
 He had his first kiss that night with another Down Syndrome girl.
Fav if you think that's  adorable♥ 


♥ this and your nose will automatically 




Nice tan,
What's your race? Carrot?

Message Sent. 
Kill me now.


this Halloween
i'm dressing all in red
and trick-or-treating at 4 PM
so i can say

"i'm your period, and i came early."
I just want to see who is more on witty profiles
Middle Schoolers or High Schoolers?
So, if you a Middle Schooler please
and if your a high schooler
please leave
a quick comment



I saw a cute little six or seven year old girl wearing Hannah Montana socks.
I asked her if she liked
Hannah Montana.
She said no; she liked to wear these socks,
because she got to step on Miley Cyrus every time she walked.

I   l  v e   t h  s    k i d


for my high expectations  of relationships 


‎3 yrs old "Mommy, I love you."
13 yrs old "Mom, whatever!"
16 yrs old: "My mom is so annoying!"
18 yrs old "I wanna leave this house."
25 yrs old: "Mom, you were right"
30 yrs old "I want to go back to my Mom's house".
50 yrs old: "I don't want to lose my mom."
70 yrs old: "I would give up EVERYTHING for my mom to be here.....with me."
You only have 1 mom. 
Fave this if you appreciate 
& love your mom!
                               text message*
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