Quotes added on Sunday, June 25 2017

I do everything for you... you love me,
I leave people for you... you love me,
I spend everyday with you... you love me,
I am here whenever you need me... you love me,
I buy things for you... you love me,
When i need you... you leave me,
Dont hurt the ones who love you make sure you show them you love them back....
i am constantly forced to choose between having friends and being myself 


when your heart gets broke. Use it to your advantage ; let it hurt you, let it make you cry, for in the end, it will make you a stronger person.
You'll fall in love again... Maybe not anytime soon. Maybe you think you'll never again, but don't give up hope.
Believe in love, even if its failed you. The pain you're going through, I know all about, but I haven't given up hope. I know in my heart theres someone out there for me, waiting for us to meet and become one.
Waiting each and every day, hoping for us to meet. Sometimes thinking about giving up, but knowing I'm out there somewhere waiting for them. Don't give up hope even if you're broke, for I promise you there is love out there for you, for everybody.
You may think "I'm not worth it. I won't fall in love again. My heart will always be broken." But, don't give up hope.
Push away all those negative thoughts, for it will get you nowhere. Never ever lose faith in love. Believe in God. Believe theres someone out there. You may not find them right away, but in time, you'll be that special one who will never break your heart.
Don't give up hope when your heart is broke. Use it to your advantage. Let it hurt you, let it make you cry, for in the end.. It will make you a stronger person.



- The chinese give a beautiful explanation to this. The thumb represents your parents. The index finger represents your siblings. The middle finger represents yourself. The ring finger represents your life partner. The pinky represents your children. Hold your hands together, joining the middle fingers back to back and the remaining fingers tip to tip. Now, try to separate your thumbs. They will separate because your parents are not destined to live with you forever. Rejoin your thumbs and separate your index fingers. They will separate becase your siblings will have their own families and lead their own lives. Rejoin your index fingers and separate your pinkies. They will separate because your children will grow up, get married, and settledown. Now, rejoin your pinkies and try to separate your ring finger. They will not be able to separate because your life partner is meant to be with you throughout your entire life, through thick and thin.
I want that,

"Baby I love you more" , kinda love. The "you're the only one that I adore", love.
That, "I'll always be here for you", love. Or, "I'll always support whatever you do", love.
What about, "I want you to hold me tight", love. "You're the only one I want tonight", love.
Maybe, "I can't wait to start our chapter", love.
Baby, "I want our happily ever after", love. But mostly I want that, "I will always love you no matter what", "I'm gonna stay faithful and true", love.
"My heart only has room for you", love. "You're my soulmate", kinda love. "Lets get married, I can't wait", love.

Yeah ; That love.

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