Quotes added on Saturday, December 31 2016

It's crazy how often I come on here just to check. Yet it's stupid because I've literally reached a point where I want nothing from you. Just like you wanted though right? I find it even crazier that people on witty talk and sometimes dream about their crushes seeing their account and them falling in love, and here you are. On witty. Our whole story. Thinking about it now it seems impossible for two people to be equally crazy about eachother. Seeing how in love we seemed both online and off. Then comparing it to now. To then. When you repeatedly choose someone else. It now shows who loved who less. I love you with all my heart, and I honestly will probably die with that amount of love still in my chest.  But as long as your with him. As long as you don't know who you are or what you really want. As long as you aren't sure about us or me; I don't want to hear from you. As much as I really do want to hear your voice as much as I truely miss you I know that really it'll only all be lies again. So I wish you the best.

~Forever Yours Truely~
New Year, same goal.

the year of letting go, of understanding loss. grace. of the word ‘no’ and also being able to say ‘you are not kind’. the year of humanity/humility. when the whole world couldn’t get out of bed. everyone i’ve met this year, says the same thing ‘you are so easy to be around, how do you do that?’. the year i broke open and dug out all the rot with my own hands. the year i learnt small talk. and how to smile at strangers. the year i understood that i am my best when i reach out and ask ‘do you want to be my friend?’. the year of sugar, everywhere. softness. sweetness. honey honey. the year of being alone, and learning how much i like it. the year of hugging people i don’t know, because i want to know them. the year i made peace and love, right here.

It is sad when you expect plans not to be followed through on.. It's sadder still to have had a little hope still
said bye to my brother tonight...6 month countdown starts tonight
Almost a year. I told you no longer than a year; You dont want to hear from me. I get it. So much has changed and probably will continue to change. But us not talking will probably be for the best. I was already confused before but talking here and there made it so much crazier. Ive reached my breaking point, a few times. I honestly thought about ending it all on my birthday. I didnt want to be around anymore. I tried reaching out to you; but like I said. Its probaby the best for us not to talk. I have a notebook full of letters waiting for you. Just know you're always on my mind. ~OnlyYourWonderwoman~







but NOT

any better


                    Bulletproof loneliness. at best, 

collect the bad habits,
That you couldn't bare to keep..

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