Quotes added on Wednesday, August 26 2015

this tome are we going to let ower heart break from a break up? this time are we going to lose owrr selbes? this time will we be ower selves and listen to ower hearts? this time, just his one timw, i wont let the pain hurt me if you dont let it hirt you. this time, i will change he way i see my self. this time i will be me.
Riku: *In a crowd and can't find Sora* There's only one way...

Riku: *cups hands around his mouth* I'M SHARING A PAOPU FRUIT WITH KAIRI

Sora: *somewhere across the street* HELL NO!!

Riku: Found him
I'm just the girl you pass in the halls/ The one who says the simple hello's / Then one day I'm no long there / Knowing that no one would care/ Then you called and said you would talk for a while / Man, I thought it was wild/ That someone like you saw someone like me/ You laughed and said you missed me/ My caring smile and soft hello's / You said it made you glow/ I know it would never/ But I wish this moment would stay forever /

e t l e  o   s  d  r  e  o  .

It's 12:33 am and I can't sleep.
This love was like insidious
i got lost in my sleep
because you left
im going to become a hermit
now that you left

I have never felt so 
in my entire life.

I'd Lie 
if you asked me
if I missed you.

 Didn't They
warn you about the boys with brown eyes?

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