Quotes added on Friday, February 13 2015

Whatever happened to just being You.
back guys! :)
and  3 months clean♥
Sometimes your heart needs time
to accept what your mind
already knows.

Not everyone you lose is a loss. Unless it's me, then it sucks to be you.
no, but guys, there is this one
dude that really wants to go out with
me. I decided to give him a chance
even though I don't think it'll really
turn into anything. he offered to 
take me out tomorrow. but like I
have only seen glimmpses of him
in person (twice, actually) and he's
obsessed. like he keeps talking
about marriage and engagement.
I haven't even really met him. like,
way too soon, buddy. 
The words ‘I Love You’ kill, and resurrect millions, in less than a second.
Life Tip: When nothing goes right, go to bed.
When missing him hurts more than you'd expected it to..
When your heart's so full it doubles as an anchor, pull it back up with the noose that your gut fashioned out of your veins, swim away. 
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