Quotes added on Wednesday, January 14 2015

flowers have
done nothing

yet we rip them
from their 

and give them
to people who
don't love

dear babe,
it's day 5 and your only about half way through your vacation. i normally write these later in the day but  have a busy afternoon. i woke up and skyped you until you ditched me. i made some choco chip waffles and i made this amazing like chocolate milk drink and its like healthy too ahha. for lunch imma have some buttered noodles<33 i miss you already and you left me about a half hour ago.. lol wut. anyways, i cant wait to see you in a couple of days. you're amazing you really are. never doubt yourself and what you can do. your good mornning texts are unbelievably adorable. honestly any girl would be lucky to get texts like that. i always smile for like 10 minutes after. they really make my mornings. your smile is adorable. it's really contagious too. it makes me smile a lot. i know you always say you cant smile on command, but you truly can. its beautiful and idc what anyone else or if they like it or not. its beautiful. i think its adorable how you are so good with kids. the way you hang with tristian is adorable. any girl would be lucky to find a boy who is good with kids. you looked adorable and handsome in your golf shirt today. my babys all dressy heh. i cant wait to see it in person and not just over skype. i miss holding you hand. and watching the feud with you. and going to breakfast, lunch or dinner toggether. or randomly going to profs at 11 cuz im craving fries. or playing pool and ping pong and air hockey. i miss going out with you and just making out in the corner. i miss taking walks with you to nowhere. i miss laying in the grass with you. i miss holding your hand walking everywhere. i miss kissing you. i miss kicking the guys out. i miss going on dinner dates together. i miss walking eachother to and from classes. i miss just being with you. idk if you could tell by that or not. i really have to pee so imma end this soon:P youre adorable and whenever you are not texting me i always hope whenever my phone goes off that its you. in fact, i normally just assume its you, even though most of those times i assume, it isnt:P okay well you are perfect in everyway. only 3 more full days and then i see you on sunday!! it cant come fast enough can it. okay i dont wanna take too much time out of your day. i love you babycakes. stay perfect.
love, nicole
Your Beattiful 
Your Amazing
Your there
I'm there
Were together forever. 

This boy fell asleep in my chemistry class, so this girl put purple lipstick on him.
It took him so long to even realize he had it on him
My heart aches
My soul breaks 
Only because you can't see
The one who really loves you is me
No ones smile is more beautiful than one through tears
This is for the ones
Who cry themselves to sleep
Who cut
Who starve themselves 
Who puke
Who felt alone
Who feel ugly 
Who want someone to love them
This is for the ones like me

-Your not alone
Sometimes all you need, is someone who can make you smile.”
Your Beattiful 
Your Amazing
Your there
I'm there
Were together forever. 

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