Quotes added on Saturday, November 29 2014

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e  i  t  h  e  r     l  e  t
the guilt throw
you back into the
behavior that got you into


in the first place,or learn from the


grey's anatomy
This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.
I can't get over my ex!
He is literally everything I look for in a boyfriend.
He's all I ever wanted.
Thinking about him still makes my heart skip a beat.
He's mine!
my ex refuses to acknowledge
what he did to me. before he would
admit that he forced me to do things
I didn't want to do, and now he keeps
saying that I'm lying; that I wanted it.
his excuse used to be that I didn't
fight back "hard enough" or that he
just simply didn't hear me tell him
"stop" and "no" (over and over again.)
but now he says that it never happened, 
that I asked for it, that I'm making it up,
and that I never said no, or even struggled.
I didn't want it, at any point. It's not like
I'm trying to get him arrested or anything,
I just want him to admit what he did,
mean it, and not change his story in
order to make him the victim.
" I should hate you.

I should. I should hate you for forgetting my birthday two years in a row.
I should hate you because the way you scream at me when you’re drunk straight up terrifies me.

I should hate you because you call me at 2:30 AM wishing for her, whispering her name over the phone in my ear.
I should hate you because you’re never on time.

I should hate the way you grip my wrist and refuse to let me go when you’re angry and you’ve got too many pills in your system, the way you get the blood pounding in my ears.

I should hate you because you said you hated me at midnight and by 4 AM you were begging for me to give you another chance, to love you again.
I should hate you because you knew I never stopped, you knew I’d come back.

Goddamit, I always come back to you. Even though I don’t want to. I can never just walk away from you, from this, from us. We are a god damn mess, we are a catastrophe, we are a hurricane. I can’t live without you, but I can’t breathe around you, either. I can’t fall in love with anyone else and I can’t be in love with you. This will kill me. This will break my heart.

This will never end. It would be so much easier if I hated you. But I can’t. I can’t; I love you too much.

I love you too much. ”



i. i write about a girl with electric skin and how i’m never sure if her touch will kill me or bring me back to life, i write about the smell of her hair and the way her cheek dimples when she smiles and it feels right, it feels easy as breathing, but my sister says show me something you wrote and suddenly it’s like i’m a criminal on the witness stand and i’m wishing now that i’d burned every page.

ii. when i say i want to be a writer my dad laughs and tells me fiction is just lies in pretty wrapping, and i should be upset but all i can feel is relief, like this is one more way for me to hide, like i’ll be okay if i only ever have to speak about love in metaphors and if someone asks i can say oh, it’s just fiction, i can turn it into a joke, i can use it as a shield.

iii. my cousins will bring their boyfriends to christmas, they’ll bring bottles of wine that i’ll reach for like weapons while too-curious aunts ask for the third/fourth/fifth time if i have a boyfriend, and each time i say no, not a boyfriend i know they’re thinking of my cousin who had boys wrapped around as many fingers by the tenth grade and it will not even occur to them that my idea of happiness has nothing to do with a man.

iv. i write about a girl and give her a hundred names, hiding all the evidence that leads back to me, but every word is a fingerprint marked in ink and i’m counting down the days until i’m forced to come clean.
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