Quotes added on Tuesday, July 29 2014

I cant stop this feeling baby only u can make me come alive when we crashin its a pasion boy u got my heart on overdrive (oliver helden ft becky hill gecko overdrive)
This quote does not exist.
@1D the wheels on the tourbus go round and round round and round round round the wheels on the tourbus go round and round all day long bit too much eximent fot nial and his spoons c;
If you are not doing the killing you are doing the dying!
Man's fault lies not with his mind but with that which he chooses to believe!
The weight of words, the burden of thought. Harness the plot of mind and stare at he in kind for in Love you are forever bound
Fate is curious thing. Living and feeding off the corpses of dead dreams.
Art of Emotion
How dare a day of happiness exist?
How dare a butterfly flaunt its beauty?
To invade a body and reside like a cyst
And tempt a chamelion to chizzle at pity,
Then die into darkness when time becomes like dust,
That was once whole but now can not be plenty.

Who asked pain to be of consequence,
When emotion is no longer of substance,
To degrade and pervade with no flamboyance,
Then kill the living with no dred of sense.
To provoke whispered utterance,
When souls have been sucked of perseverence.

Turn a blind eye and they can be shut away.
Cast into fire and held at bay.
The sting of their rath will forever seize to sway,
But one slip and you will have coin to pay.
all the time we were together I said I loved u and I meant it u said u wud never let me go u did and its hard loosing the one.but until we broke up I didnt reailse how much I love you and I will NEVER find someone as spesh as u Tom ;c
You never understand how precious someone is to you until the last time. Until you finally understand that your fingertips won't touch his again. When his smell won't linger anymore. Then you finally get it. And you wish you could relive every moment with him. 
Never wait for the end.
Tell him you love him today...
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