Quotes added on Tuesday, March 18 2014

Then came the king's son, wounded, sore bestead,
And weaponless, and saw the broken sword,
Hilt-buried in the dry and trodden sand,
And ran and snatched it, and with battle shout
Lifted afresh he hewed his enemy down,
And saved a great cause that heroic day.

— Edward Rowland Sill

this one (18+) should turn it to (8+) cuz they know every thing now
one of my talents:
hold one plate on my hand and my juice on the other and i open the door with elbow and turn on the light withg my forehead
We focused on colorful graphic prints and free-flowing designs are the core focus of the designer's individuality and popularity. We also had a good collections of designer beach bags and dresses.
This quote does not exist.
That moment when your with somebody and you have no clue what's going to happen next and you're scared to make the next move.

The introduction.. It's worth reading. (;
He walked up behind me, grabbed my butt, and with a grin ear to ear, blamed it on his friend. I guess you could say it was love at first sight. Thankfully, I'm smooth and played it off. Giving him my number right then and there. Did I mention my boyfriend was standing behind us? Ballsy? I'd like to think so.
Shortly after, like every fairytail begins. I was a Damsel in Distress. Broken hearted, drunk, confessing my need for time, but with the adrenaline from the underage I just recieved, I kissed him.
Our first kiss, poison in our veins, on a gravel road in the middle of f*cking nowhere, WI.
He persued me for months, relentless. My hero. On our second intimate encounter I was 3 keg stands too deep, walked up to him and without a word quite literally started eating his face. We not so sneakily stumbled into the darkness to finish our make out session and release the contents of our bladders, hand in hand. How romantic.
I proceeded to uphold my reputation and get into an overly dramatic fight, resulting in a black eye. Sh*t. Thankfully, Lukas's mother is a nurse. So at 2:00 AM he calls. After a snark remark from his father, he agreed to waking Lukas's mother.  He had been going on about me for months to his mom, and let me tell you I was anything but proud of my current predicament. But with unbaised hands she tenderly cared for me. I was prescribed an ice pack, a pain reliever and the rest of the night snuggled up in bed with Lukas.
Every now and again we still reminisce on this night with his parents. Memorable to say the least.
In one night he swept me completely off my feet. I was addicted. His touch, his kiss. He was perfectly imperfect. My knight in shining armor. My prince charming. He saved me.
In every good fairytail, there are hard times. After a year and a half together, we parted ways.
Once the storm (the binge) cleared and the dust settled, there he was standing stronger than ever. My rock, my foundation. I have a second chance at spending my journey with the one of the greatest men I have ever had the privilege to know. Words cannot describe how thankful I am.
I mean it when I say, I am the luckiest girl in the world. Lukas is dedicated, and as loyal as a German Shepard. And if you know me at all, it goes without being said, that man has got patience. Gentle kisses to wake me in the morning and a candy bar on a bad day. Wondering eyes? Not a chance. All the right things to say? He's got 'em. Theres nothing he wouldn't do for me, and I say that with the utmost confidence. I have no doubt. From my ever changing mind, to my sailors mouth, all the way down to my smelly feet, he loves me completely. I am the luckiest girl in the world.
I love you Lukas James, with my whole heart.
I hate it when people say that they haven't seen me since I was a baby. How would I remember who you are if I was a baby?
Suicidal people are just angels who want to go home.
If somebody were to harm my family or friend or somebody I love, I would eat them. I might end up in jail for 500 years, but I would eat them.
-Johnny Depp
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