Quotes added on Wednesday, December 11 2013

Dear witty,

I am writting to you because this is the only place, I can write without anyone I know seeing it.

I guess you can say, I am sick of life and the people in it. 

Why Do I feel so alone? Why Do I feel so out of place?

Yeah I'm not perfect and neither is my family.. 


I dont have a family.. 

Ugh... FML.


In the Flowers, My Rose is You.

In the Diamond, My Kohinoor is You.

In the Sky, My Moon is You.

I am only Body, My Heart is You.

That is why i always Miss You!!

A student failed law & decided to make a deal with professor sir, do u know everything about law? Prof:yes student; if u can answer dis question, i will accept my final marks, if u can't, u have to give me 'A' professor agreed boy asked, 'what is legal but nt logical, logical but nt legal & neither legal nor logical? prof thought it about it for hrs & pondered no answer He had to finally give up as he really did nt know. He gave the boy his 'A' the following day, professor asked same Ques to his students He was shocked when all of them raised their hands He asked one student he answered: sir, u're 65, married to 28 yrs old woman, dis is legal but nt logical ur wife, is having an affair with a 23 year old boy, dis is logical but nt legal ur wife's boyfriend has failed his exam & yet u have given him an 'A' It's neither logical nor legal The professor collapsed...=))
"And now it's time to build from the bottom of the pit
Right to the Top"
Maybe I just want someone
~ to fall in love with me ~
"Oh. Oh No. No. Haha. He's not mine."
But God I wish he was ...

we're all ^ just ^ trainwrecks
 + falling apart and falling together +
falling in ~ and out ~ of love
* the best moments of our lives*


apathy: lack of

interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
it's my favorite word. it describes
how i look on the outside, though
gives no insight as to what's going
on inside.

format credit: notyouraverageteenagegirl

Wisdom and money can get you almost anything
but only wisdom can save your life.
11/12/13. lol. this will never happen again
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