Quotes added on Saturday, December 7 2013

never regret anything 
because at that moment it was all you ever wanted.
I just want 
to look
at me
, & say"wow,  
gorgeous for once.

sorry can't hang out.
my uncle's cousin's best friends's grandmother's daughters's daughter's goldfish died. 
maybe next time.
We are the kids who are broken down, worn out, hurt, and pushed to the sides.
We are the kids who always feel alone. We are the kids who break down crying and we don't really know why.
We are the kids who wake up every morning and can't seem to find a reason to leave our bed, yet we do anyways.
We are the kids who have been through so many heartbreaks that we're afraid to feel again.
We are the kids who drink to forget, and get high to feel something again.
We are the kids who come from a broken home beyond repair.
We are the kids who feel like we have no one to turn to, and no where to go to. 
We are the kids who are always forgotten.
We are the kids? What do you mean we? You and Me? You and I together? Because lately it's just been me. You haven't been here, you haven't felt this way. I know you haven't. So don't stand there and tell me that its you and I against the world. Because its just me. It's always been just me. You aren't here, you haven't been here, and you won't be here. 
So instead of the we, replace it with I. Becasue I am the kid who is broken down, worn out, hurt, and pushed to the sidelines. I am the kid who always feels alone and breaks down crying. I am the kid who wakes up every morning and can't seem to find a reason to leave my bed, but I do it anyways. I am the kid who has been through so many heartbreaks I'm afraid and don't want to feel again. I am the kid who drinks to forget and gets high to feel again. I am the kid who comes from a broken home far beyond repair. I am the one who has no one to turn to,, and has no where to go. I am the kid who is always forgotten.
There is no we, there is no us. There's just me.
I keep hoping one day I'll wake up, and finally no my purpose on this earth



Smile. Pass it on.

I want to believe that one day

I’m going to be able to say

“I made it”

I will smile every time

I look into the mirror and I

Will embrace my flaws and

Mistakes that makes me


I will wake up every morning

And prepare breakfast for myself

And my scars will remind me how

Strong I’ve always been.

Because if you really want to be

Happy fall in love with yourself,

Dear and never let your happiness

Rely on others. And then happiness

Will find you.

I promise.


Please stay alive.

My friend: *Sigh* but you know....we compare our
life stories and then we say they are minor. Then we
go to a doctor for help, they say it's major. But, I say
...a person's life story...is their life, emotions, and
their strength.
My Friend: I say this.... If one day you wake up in
your bed, get your clothes on, and walk out the door
...the world will always throw something your way.
Bad to worse. Good to great. When you do it one
day, why can't you do it the next? Is it that bad...
of a thing..?

He makes me want to punch a wall. He makes me want to squeal like a little girl. He makes me want to cry. He makes me the happiest person ever. He makes me want to slap him across the face. And he also makes me want to kiss him like they do in the movies.
I   Just   Don'  Kno
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