Quotes added on Tuesday, December 3 2013

Sometimes I question why I stay up so late.
Its not as if I'm pondering life,
Or seeking the great mysteries to some hidden cult,
Or even practicing a skill.
I don’t stay up playing games,
Or writing amazing stories never told.
I really truly don’t do anything special.
I feel like I should be awake until at least 3am every night,
And if not then it just doesn’t feel okay.
So for this reason I stay up.
Not doing much except passing time.
Looking at photos,
Or sorting random things.
Kindof disappointing I guess.
But maybe it’s just me.



"Airports have seen more sincere kisses than

wedding halls. Hospitals have seen more

prayers than church walls."


font cred: _Jannette |don't remove.

Witty Logic:

Wittian: Witty needs more members!
Friend: Witty *Looks over Wittian's shoulder* What's that?
Wittian: *X's out of window like it's p
òrn* It's uh... It's... Nothing. It's nothing.

“Oh, Eva." He rubbed his cheek against my damp face. "I must've wished for you so hard and so often you had no choice but to come true.”
-Sylvia Day, Bared to You

my cat just curled up next to me and fell asleep.

so this is what true happiness feels like
"A feeling you've probably never felt before"
You seriously think I haven't felt that way? You must be joking.
Stress is just part of being alive, but too much of it can kill you.

If I'm stalking your page
and I come across any
Maroon 5 lyrics, I'm going to fave it.
It doesn't even matter if you posted it
like 2 years ago.
I'm still going to fave the crap out of that quote.

You're gonna catch a cold

From the ice inside your soul
 "I think she was afraid to love sometimes. I think it scared her. 

She was the type to like things that are concrete, like the


Something you can point to and know what it is, and I think


why she struggled with love. She couldn't touch it. She couldn't

hold on to it and make sure it never changed."
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