Quotes added on Wednesday, February 6 2013

A house divided against itself cannot stand. 
Abraham Lincoln
Chapter 3
I thought they would let me skip out on group time. Guess not. The gloves are on. I couldn't share another page. Not after showing one today already. Everyone is staring. I shrink into my oversized sweatshirt. You can barely make me out. I can sence someone sit down next to me. Then I feel someone sit on the other side of me. They feel like sentenials. Maybe they are. Maybe they have come to protect me from the world.

Wrong again. The whispers and the jabs into my side. It hurts. But not as bad as it would be for most people. For normal people. "Hey Rain. I heard that you got the gloves."

"Why don't they just kick your crazy butt out already?"

Silence. That's all they deserve. I have yet to meet someone who deserves to hear my voice. Even Skyler hasn't. She's too conceded. The only reason I let her near me is because she's similar to Ky. Ky was my best friend from the outside. She's tried to visit me but I won't allow it. I can't have her see me like this. They ask me about Ky in sessions. I won't answer though. Just like right now.

"Come on Crazy. Answer us. Tell us all your dirty little secrets. I bet your in here because nobody wanted your crazy butt. This was the only way to get rid of you. Instead of face that you just mope about it."

"Don't act like your better than us by not talking. You're not. You're probably worse than us." They just kept going. I didn't feel like looking to see who the culprits were. It didn't matter.

Then out of no where the kid showed up. "I suggest you leave her alone before I make you." I hear two people scramble away from me. Two other people sit down next to me. "You okay?" He always seems to be asking me that. I don't know why. If I'm in here then obviously I'm not.

"She doesn't like to talk. Never has. Probably never will. Nobody knows why. You just have to roll with it." Skyler. God help her. She doesn't deserve to be here. Well compared to the others that is.

"Everyone talks. If they don't then it gets awfully lonely. So Rain what's your favorite book?" I don't know what comes over me. Maybe it's his voice. Maybe it's the way he stood up for me even after I got him in trouble but I answer him.

Or at least I try to. I can't get my voice to work. It comes out as choked air. It's like I've forgotten how to speak. And maybe I have. Or maybe it's my vow that holds me up. My vow never to talk to anyone again. Or maybe it's my punishment. My punishment for killing my family. But I guess I won't know.
A Man Who Truly Loves A Woman...
walks beside her & holds her hand when she is strong,
stands behind her when she needs a little push,
wraps his arms around her when she needs to be protected,
and carries her when she's fallen down
Just would like a diffrent few on this. 

He hated when I would hug my friends. 
But he still shares a locker with his ex, but they're just 'freinds'

He says he doesn't just want se* 
But when it didn't happen he got pissy 

He calls my friend dirty and weird
And when I stand up for them he said it was funny i was standing up for them 

He says he loves me 
But I have to change how I dress how I act

I even made a hole new facebook so it was apporatie for him (he doesn't know thats why)

He talks to all these really pretty girls 

He made promises and now he is gone (which he said he never leave) 

He has said goodbye so many times and has made me cry and break 

Do I fight for him back or Do I let him go

Oh and just a by the way thing he took my virgintiy so that kinda has big weigh on why i stay 

Allow the president to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such a purpose - and you allow him to make war at pleasure. 
Abraham Lincoln
The Letter. THE CHANGE.  The Lie.

Chapter 46: Part 1 
*Katia's POV*

 All I heard was dead air through the phone. I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip, trying to hold back tears. That couldn't of gone any worse, and that was exactly what I didn't want to happen. 
"Katia?" Louis whispered. He was still standing behind me, but farther back then when he first walked over. 
I turned around and faced everyone. Everyone watched me waiting for me to say something, but I couldn't. I didn't know what to say. I just wanted to scream, I wanted to scream, to throw something, to break something. So thats what I did. I threw my phone to Niall's couch. It bounced off the edge and landed on the floor, hard. It was probably  broken, but I didn't care.
"Katia, whats wrong?" Mia asked. She stood up after handing Milo over to Niall, who quickly put him in his babyseat. 
I still couldn't speak, I ran my hand through my hair, stopping on the top of my head grabbing a handful of hair. I twisted my hand slightly, feeling pain spread throughout my scalp but I ignored it. 
"Katia," Mia stood in front of me now. "what happened?"
"My dad's a freaking idiot!" I yelled. The entire bottom half of my vision was blurry from tears that stood on the edge of my eyelid threatening to fall. "He doesn't listen to anything I say! He doesn't take the time to listen! He just does whatever he wants without looking at it any other way! He is a narrow minded... ugh!" 
One of the boys tried to interrupt me but I continued my rant over them, Mia knew better to talk though. She knew that once I got like that I just needed to scream and throw something and cry for a while. 
"He doesn't want me to date Louis! And just because he is older than me! My dad was 22 when he started dating my mom! And my mom was 16!  He can't do that! He can't be that much of a hypocrite!" I was pacing around, throwing my arms up in the air as I spoke. By this point tears were falling softly down my cheeks, my voice kept cracking as I spoke. "And he wants me to go home! He wants me to go home! They aren't even home, they are still in South Carolina! He wants me to get on a plane and break up with Louis!" 
Saying it out loud made me realize how much I didn't want to break up with him. I stopped mid-rant and turned around. My gaze instantly fell on Lou. He was still standing by the window watching me; he looked defeated. Just how I felt defeated. 
No one was talking, even Milo was completely silent. I couldn't break up with Louis, and I wasn't going to. "Lets go public."
No one responded right away. They all just sort of stood there, stunned. "Wha... What?" Louis stuttered.
"Lets go public, lets announce we are dating," I told him. He started walking over towards me.
"Katia, you don't really want to. Not now," he tried to reason with me.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because you are an emotional wreck," he chuckled. He was standing in front of me now. He wrapped his arms around me.
"Just because I'm sort of emotional right now, doesn't mean I don't mean it," I argued.
"If you were sort of emotional, sure," Louis said.
"But you are more than a little emotional," Mia added on. "Your on an emotional roller coaster." 
I gave up, right then. I felt utterly defeated. I had a headache, I wanted nothing more than to curl into a ball and cry, and I felt like there was nothing I could do. "I don't want to have to break up with you," I whispered.
"Then don't," he whispered. I started to shake my head but he continued on. "Lets not think about it right now."
I nodded and he kissed the top of my head. I ended up borrowing a pair of sweatpants and Louis and I laid down and watched the movie Grease. We spent the entire afternoon like that, his arm wrapped around my waist pulling me against his body. I fell asleep for a good portion of the movie and woke up later.

UsinMr Parker
♥ Logan ♥
C h a p t e r  34

I had never experienced anything like this, I was in pain but my body wasn't hurt. I was in pain, emotion wise. I had been in my bedroom since I left school early. I hadn't wanted to go back to classes after the episode with Zach, all I wanted to do was curl up in my bed at home. No one was there when I got to the house so I curled up on the couch and watched whatever movies I could find.
My mum came home and when she saw me, she frowned deeply. “Logan, baby, whats wrong?” she asked.
I'm just tired,” I lied.
You don't look just tired,” she told me as she sat down next to me. “Are you going to tell me?”
I did something really horrible, mum,” I cried, softly.
Hunny, I'm sure whatever it is, it isn't that bad. Someday you'll probably look back at it and laugh.” I just shook my head as my mum wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly. “Its okay, everything will be alright,” she soothed.
I wish she was right.
Justin's coming over for dinner tonight, c'mon, lets go and we can make our pizza,” she winked and I nodded. My mum and I made pizza together as we laughed about silly nothings. It was just like old times, before dad left and everything screwed up. Justin and Aunt Cassidy joint us for dinner and in one word, it was enjoyable. The dinner kept my mind off Zach but Justin kept giving me looks through it so I knew he must of heard something.
Justin and I headed up to my room and when we had closed the door, he said, “I know you and Zach broke up. I called him but he didn't tell me why. Are you going to?” he asked, raising his eyebrow.
I was avbitch.”
Don't call yourself that, Logan, just tell me what happened.”
You know how we need money – my mum and I – well, my friends and I had this 'game', whoever dated Zach for a week would get five thousand dollars. I won.”
W-what?” Justin stuttered.
I know,” I sighed, shame clear in my voice.
Do you like him, at least? Did you ever have any feelings for him?”
Yes, yes I did.”
What's going on?!” Grace exclaimed when she came into my room.
Nothing,” I muttered.
Why'd you leave school? Did something happen with Mr Parker?” Tears silently fell as I explained what had happened with Zach. “Who do you think sent the message?”
Courtney, I'm sure of it. She used my phone earlier and she didn't look too happy about giving me the money.”
Why don't you just give back the money? You love him!”
I don't love him, its just a silly school girl crush,” I told her. “I was only with him for a week, its not possible.”
A weeks all you needed and I know I wasn't the happiest about your relationship to begin with but you both love each other. I know you guys do and you need to win Mr Parker back.”
I think it'd be easier to go to the north pole,” I muttered. “He hates me.” 

Want a reminder? Comment. 
Teaser: "A picture was sent to the whole school or you and Mr Parker kissing."
{A/N Feedback? (: }


The Letter. THE CHANGE.  The Lie.

Chapter 46: Part 2 
*Katia's POV*

The movie was still playing, but I wasn't watching it. I turned around as much as I could so I could look at Louis. He looked down at me, his hair falling in his eyes. 
"How did your family respond?" I asked quietly.
"To me telling them we were dating?" he asked. I nodded while picking up one of the strings on his sweatshirt and started to play with it.
"Better than yours."
I didn't look up at him as I continued, "But they weren't happy either?"
He sighed and waited a moment before talking. "They haven't been happy with me lately."
"What do you mean?" 
"My mom wasn't happy that Eleanor and I broke up," he admitted. I nodded but didn't comment. 
"But," he added. "I'm sure once she meets you she will love you." He kissed my forehead gently.
"If I get to meet her." If my parents got their way I'd be gone before the week is over. Louis didn't say anything and I wasn't in the mood to talk anymore. 
Later we ordered some pizza for supper and ate at Niall's. It wasn't until late that Harry and I went back to his place. I climbed right into bed, not wanted to wake up the next day and having to deal with everything.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey guys! So not sure where I'm going after this so ideas would be lovely. Thank you for reading! Love you all!.
This quote does not exist.
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