Quotes added on Friday, January 4 2013

Having those days where you're actually okay, but knowing it won't last for long.
I wanna show you my anger on the inside..
That feeling you get before opening the response to your risky text.
Have you ever 
for the wrong guy?

yeah me too.  
Nothing rhymes with orange?
Nothing and orange do not rhyme
My makeup..stains my face like a tattoo..I sometimes forget what I really look like because it's been stained for to long.
Mind of a Mindless Mind

I'm alone
All alone

I can keep it all in
pretend like everythings okay
on the outside of course

Inside there's a gruesome 
war. Fighting for my mindless head
Fixing myself slowly

Many more scars come on the way
as the battles go on and on
I cope. Stand up to everyone 

If I fall then, I guess, I fall
it hurts, a few scrapes here and there
but I'll get up and never have to go through the pain again

worth it. 
Worth all the names I hear,
Worth all the tears that never fell from my eyes,
Worth all the hair on my chinny-chin-chin still growing,
Worth the beating especially.

They cope differently than I do
They cry, I hold my tears close
They pout, I zone out
They talk, I wont
They break, I biuld more walls

Music, Comfort
the war is going to come to an end
not now
not today or tomorrow
But it'll end.

I'll be free from my mindless mind.

I honestly cannot say how happy I am you're here. I thought the past few years were bad until I looked at how 2012 went. I was cheated, lied to, hit, completely, utterly hopeless, but now I have something to look forward to this year. My life can finally begin, and I can't begin to say how difficult I think this year will be for me. But no matter how hard, I know that I'll live more than I have in my whole 15-year existence, and I know I'll laugh and cry, I'll be shamed and loved. I know that I'll fall, but this year, I'm not going to break. I'm not letting this year get out of hand. This year, I'm taking conrtol of my life and molding it into what it'll eventually be. I'm going to work harder than I ever have because I have a new motivation thanks to you, and I know that it'll pay off this time. 2013,

I'm ready for you.♥
11:11 comes twice a day, because everyone deserves a second chance.
 If I had Jimmy Neutron's Brain, Phineas & Ferb's Summer, and Timmy Turner's Goldfish... my LIFE WOULD BE THE BEST THING EVER
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