Quotes added on Monday, October 15 2012

i always thought oliver oken was weird since he was obsessed with some big celebrity that he though he was gonna marry someday...
but then i realized i'm oliver oken
I only have 5 friends.
I'm different.
One of my bestest friends made me cut and convinced me out of it.
People laugh because I don't know what stuff is.
Basically everyone hates me.

But I hold in there.
I suck it up.
And I believe something good wi l l happen.

Try it sometime

30 Day Letter Challenge - Day 3
              Dear Parents,
Will you ever understand me? Understand that I'm a teenage girl, I'm not perfect, I make mistakes, I spend a lot of time in my room, I listen to music instead of you. Will you ever learn that I need space? The fact that I lock myself in my room, and blast the music, not to get away from you, but because it keeps me from screaming at the top of my lungs. Understand that I love you, but I need you to understand that I need a place to be me. If you never give me space you'll drive me away. 

Okay so I'am going through all my locked messages on my phone and I came across this from one of my amazing guy friends. Omg its so

"Okay Dani I just want you to know that I love you and I want to marry you some day and that if you are ever not okay you need to tell me because I want to be able to help you because you can trust m. You are so beautiful and I can tell you dont feel okay just through a text message because thats how much I care for you and just know I'am always here for you. Also sorry I spelled your name like that I cant spell your reall naem right and instead of messign it up I just nickname you that. Okay love you."

Day and night, I am always tired. But at night, I stay up just late enough until I am exhausted enough until I can fall into my bed and into immediate slumber. Because I can't stand to liein my bed in a dark room alone with my thoughts for so many hours.
I broke up with the only girl I ever loved never got to kiss her because of distance......but i let go....to be free and discover who she is.

Do you not see how much
you mean to me?

She loves someone else.....who doesnt care about her,

I wish things where diffrent.

And I wish she didn't have to go through what I went through....
Here we go again,
I kinda wanna be more than friends.
Just choose me already.
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