Quotes added on Tuesday, September 25 2012

Every time I go to 'follow'
someone, I start thinking

"what if they don't want me
to follow them?" so I never
end up following them :s aha.
I can't take a bath anymore.
It feels like I'm sitting in my sorrow.
And I can't fight the urge to dunk my head
And just never come up again

Have you ever been friend-zoned?

The person you are madly and completely in love with just wants to be friends, but you are okay living with that constant pain because you at least get to be a part of their life?

I have.



And sometimes it hurts instead...

She may come off as hard to get.
But that's because she's been through a few things,
seen a few things,
been there & done that.
She's cold.. 
But that's only because she once cared about someone who failed to care about her.
She's built a fortess to protect her heart from future damage.
You told her that you're different
But she won't believe you until you prove it.
Words don't mean a thing.
Actions are everything.

I don't understand why people can't leave two people who are obviously happy together, ALONE!                                            
got no reason, got no shame
got no family I can blame
just don't let me disappear
One Direction Imagine

You're at the school Arts Extravaganza, singing a song for the compulsory contribution. Your song of choice is SYT (Save You Tonight) and about 1/2 way through the second verse, Liam shows up, leaning against the doorframe. You stare at him for about five seconds, but realise that to keep his presence secret you must continue to preform. At the end of the song, you bow, and walk off stage like nothing exciting has happened. Once you're behind the curtians, all hell breaks loose. You're running to the other end of the hall, and you grab Liam's wrist and drag him into the cubbard.
 "What a way to say hello." he sarcastically comments.
"Liam! WTF do you think you're doing here? Do you know how dangerous this is?" You continue to rant and rave at him, until he rolls his eyes and kisses you to shut you up.
Psalm 34:17-19, 22 NKJV

The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, And delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all. The Lord redeems the soul of His servants, And none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned.

Be careful who you give
your heart to, because
when you give your heart
to someone, you also give
them the power to hurt

Format: twilightgirl995
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