Quotes added on Thursday, July 26 2012

I hate it when
:|:         you're not surif you messed up
on a letter while typing your password
and you have to start over again

Friend: Did you just fall?"
Me: No. I just attacked the foor!"
Friend: "Backwards?"
Me: "Im Freaking Taleneted!" -.-


Movin O is easy;
What you leave behind is what makes it hard.


He's the sea I'm
Sinking in


Like Billy and Jane

on Jane by Design 

Always smile even if there is no reason ツ
Sometimes I feel like I don't want to meet One Direction. Because in my head, I've come up with a story that one of them will fall in love with me. But in reality, I'll just be another obsessed fan. I feel like I'm not pretty enough to see them, that I'll cry and embarrass myself because I'll be so overwhelmed. But I just hope they realize how much they changed my life. How many times I've cried with joy, argued with haters, been told to 'shut up' for talking about them too much. How many hours I've spent sitting on the computer, searching Youtube, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook. The friends I've made from talking to directioners all over the world. I hope they realize how much happiness they have brought me. They have helped me through more than I can say. And I love them with all my heart.
I hope they see that...

                                                     On July 26th..
               ...I wear a sweatshirt 

My computer and I are like Phineas and Ferb.
We spend our entire life together and I talk to it but he rarely talks back.


The world flashes by outside these blurring windows. A world filled with hate and injustice. A world that will never be what it thinks it is. An imperfect world controlled by an imperfect society, a society that drives teenagers (and others) insane and over the edge.
As I stare out the window as the imperfect world blurs, words I would never have the courage to speak flow through my headphones and into my ears, giving not just my mind and heart, but my soul a beat to dance and live to. My music is the only thing keeping my feet on the ground. Without it, I'd be wandering this unjustified and cursed world with no meaning or purpose.
My music doesn't jut exist in my headphone though. It thrives in my heart as well, even when I'm away from a computer screen or iPod.  Music blocks out hate, and lets in the love. Like a dragon guarding its treasure, it only let's those in who mean well and will not steal nor threaten the dragon. The dragon rejects the others, those who seek to cause chaos, by forcing them to keep their distance. Some get too close and get burned, while others stay far out and lose interest over time.
Those who wish to do harm are part of this imperfect society, bringing down others by pointing out their flaws and causing them to overlook their abilities. It is this kind of world that will eventually collapse in on itself, creating its own, eternal downfall.
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