Quotes added on Thursday, December 2 2010

I know I'm not worth his love
I wish I was
He's so good
and sweet
and kind.

I'm cruel
and demanding
and horrible

But he loves me anyway
I wish I was worthy of it

My boyfriend is way too good to be with someone like me.

Welcome to Hollister!
Would you like a gas mask or ear plugs???


              from facebook (not mine)

Do you like a guy?

What color is his hair: Blonde at the top, Brown at the bottom(;

What style is it: Messy(; 

What color eyes: Blue/green.♥

Skin Color: Tan 

Cute smile: Of course (;

Braces: Nooooh.

Glasses: Nope

Abs: yeahh :P

Height: He told me today (; : 5'6♥

What grade is he in: 7th hes younger

How did you meet him: School.

How long have you known him: As long as I can remember , I didnt talk to him at first thooo.

Would you consider him your friend: Yeahh(:

Would he consider you his friend: yes i hopee

If you asked him for a hug, would he give you one: hell yaaa (:

Does he play any sports: Footballl(;

Can he play the guitar: I hope!

What about any other musical instruments: not sure

Last thing he said to you: Brb showa(;

Do you guys ever text: He dosnt have a phone XD.

How about AIM:  nope

Last time you were on his Facebook profile: Like . A few minutes agoXD

 Have you "liked" his profile picture: YES.

Has he ever commented on any of your photos: yes. he made a picnik of us(;

Has he ever written on your wall: many times(;

Describe something he would wear on a typical day: t-shirt and shorts(;

What's your favorite thing you've seen him wear: a white v neck & plaid shorts. DANG.

Least favorite thing: hes mean to my friends.

Do you think that he likes you back: Maybe.. People say he does.

Do your friends know that you like him: YUPP(:

Do any of your teachers know that you like him: lmfaoo no.

do your parents know that you like him: yeahhoo.

do they know he exists: yupp.

Do they know that you like him:  yeahhoo?

Do you think they would like him if you were dating him: they dont really know him but not suree

Have you met his parents: Nooo but I know his sisters..

What would you do if he read this survey: Be embarassed . Unless he thought it was cool(;
Type your name with your nose! and please keep it going!

dfhyr5454iwst5aq - christa lol i suck
qao6sswaq- alyssa haha im rong
aqloexaq- Alexa haha
shannon- shannon 1rite
janine- Janine :D
swte3ph- steph haha
nichole-nichole YESSSSS
ash- ash:D
kylee- kylee=)
amber- =D
caereloleyu- carley =0 OH NO!
rachel- ha! own!
wsop0yi8aq- Sophia! haha! I stink!
dc045raqol9- im awesome!!! hah Coralie
vicdtorioa - supposed to be victoria.
kristen<<< OWNAGE !
trswgtahnj- teagan
:Omsawkala - supposed to be makayla
ghr4iu8ahnhba-haha brianna ;D
emily; yay {:
kelly - woo ! ;D
mjatti-matti lmao<3
km3dqttyhwan- meaghan:)
qqmkqthea - armathea...WTH?
brf enna hhahahaha its Brenna
Olivia :p - oo9ifi9qa (i triedd :D 6:47 pm 11/3)
Keep it goinggg : )
Caswswiee-Maqry (Cassiee-Mary(:<3 ahah I
aun stin-Austin
keirsten = o Yeah i got it write...keirsten
rima- hahh gott itt righht ! Rima(:
iqw6o3ity- uhh that was supposed to say 
ashlii-Ashlii, woo!(;
iqn hamilton-ian hamilton DAMN sooo close 

shauna-shauna YEAHHHHH!!!!

CORAL- coral =] im amazingg
paige aka shawty mane-----Paige aka shawty mane, SMN
k3sxhheerhg- kennedy ..... i absolutely failed. <3
maqhjdei9e - Mandie! :D ahhaa
q 8wo9jh- Allison lol :]
4roiwin - roisin, phahaa !xx

kirsty - oh yh got ittt !!
m94tqg-        morgan I am so terrible. Way off!!

paige erin - oh yea i got it.!- p.s. im still typing with my nose;D

 I can live without you but, without you I'll be miserable at best.
What I did, for him...

He talks more to athletic girls; I started being more athletic... No response

He likes me better with my hair down; I kept it down more often... talks to me more

He talks more to girls who are more 'in sync' with fashions (music, cloths, etc.);
I searched up on stuff that's 'in'... No response

I hate the way I look; I changed back into the old me (but with my hair down more)... We talk alot more

Girls, don't change yourself for a boy, you'll feel ugly and odds are, you won't look that hot.
This quote does not exist.

Attention witty girls
  Write "witty" on your hand on
  December third 2010.
  So we know our witty people.
 Don't forget to pass this on.

Not My Quote Or Format, Just passing it on, in Lazy Mode.

my guy bestfriend(:



Trying to give  me the finger is 

like giving a 

...spider the web ...


i ' l l   j u s t   s p i n   i t   a n d   u s e    t  t o 

y   a d v a n t a g e


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