Quotes added on Friday, January 8 2010

D [x] I [x] N [x] O [x] [x] A [x] U R A
O [x] L [x] D [x] M [x] A [x] N
You just an old man
Hittin' on me, what?
You need a katscan.

its not that your all that great,
or that your the hottest guy in the world.
lord knows you have your faults
its that you make me feel like im the most important person in the world.
and when you look me in the eyes i know that i could never love anyone like i love you.
Take my hand, lets just dance
Watch my feet, follow me
Don't be scared, girl i'm here
If you didn't know, this is 

Justin Bieber
'I'll Never Let You Go'
I'm done with all the 11:11 wishes
Because if they came true i'd be with you.</3
When i look at you i cry
when You look at her i die.
life is too short
to wake up in the morning with regrets.
so, love the people who treat you right.
Forgive those who don't
and believe that everything happens for a reason.
if you get a chance, take it.
if it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said it would be easy.
They Just promised it would be worth it.
No matter how i feel
It's always true.
the one thing that makes me smile

is You;
 Some Times you just need to run away; 
o see who will come after you. 
Here's to the future  because i'm donwite the past 
Some people are like slinkies.
They don't have a purpose
,but the bring a smile to your face
When you see them going down the stairs.
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