Quotes added on Friday, January 2 2009

Why? Why walk away mad?
You can't keep doing this to me.
You keep walking away trying to forget this.
What if one day you walk away
from the person you love, mad
and you never see them again...
Would you regret what you put me through? _____</3

i actually told my boyfriend this
i was tired of him controlling me
and treating me like i meant nothing
for the first time i stood up for myself against him...
rate high
if you like it or your proud of me
leave comments too... :)
"Even if I said I didn't care
a million times over again,
you'd know that I still do."

++Laguna Beach

Teddy BruschiY
# 5 4   P A T R 


request for makemelaughxox11

&& I don't care
he's not the hottest in the school,
not the smartest in the grade,
not the coolest on the earth;

He's got the coolest personality;
best sense of humor,
and he somehow always knows how to make me smile.
His eyes are always lit up,
his smile never failing,
but most of all;

He likes me for who I am <3

all mine <33
"You are the only one who has
ever touched my heart
and it will always be yours."

++Edward Cullen.
my friends & i--
                      --you can say were a little crazy

were seven brunettes
and two blondes.very
close to the heart and
have an inseperable
there was a time a long time ago so long ago i scarcely remember   
when i
cried for you
cried over you
cried for me
cried for our relationship that was over  
but now ive realized your really not worth my tears
The Sexy Sixxx<3


rate it or hate it, who cares what you think anyway?
if you use it dont even think about taking the name.
I just listened to a Jonas Brothers song...

And I do have to say my ears are in fact

Now I can say with full
certainty that, the Jonas Brothers are in fact; either GIRLS or GAY.
and honestly whts the point in clinging yourself to all of the guys on witty...
i mean seriously...
what if they arn't rlly a guy?
Don't act so desperate girls...
Not trying to be mean. Just saying. No Offense=]

^Not rlly a  quote...
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